Chapter 16: And I'm Expecting a Mistletoe

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Three days. It's been three days of no TV, no phone, no books, no school, but most of all just straight up Jesse. He comes over everyday, sometimes even before I wake up and leaves right after it gets dark. He told my mom it was just to make sure I was safe with my concussion and all but it seems she saw right through his little white lie, honestly I don't really know why he's here or why he'd want to be with me on his 'days off' as he puts it.

"Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree!" he sings as he waltzes into the family room with a tray of fruit which I quickly grab from his arms.
"You do realize it's almost summer right?" I remark staring at him before plopping a grape in my mouth.
"Exactly," he shrugs, "Christmas in July," he remarks in a 'duh' tone.
"Then I hope you know I'm expecting a present," I grin at him and he smirks.
"And I'm expecting a mistletoe," his grin widens as I feel a flaming blush crawl onto my face before I smirk as well.
"What so I can poison you with it," I laugh and his jaw drops in offense.
"You are such a buzz kill," he huffs before grabbing the deck of cards by us and presumably shuffles them.

"So we've played Speed for about ten million hours can we please play something else?" he whines while pouting making a smile dance along my lips.
"Oh but I don't remember playing Speed at all, must be the darn concussion I guess we'll have to play another ten million hours," I shrug and lean back with a smirk.
"Not funny," he remarks dryly with a small glare before turning back to the cards and dealing me some, "We're playing go fish," he confirms and I roll my eyes as I pick up my cards and get them situated. Once we both have our cards I glance down at my for sure losing hand.

"Got any nines?" Jesse asks and I look down at my hand and see the one nine I have.
"Go fish," I chirp and he glances up at my face detecting it for a lie. I just stare up at him with the most innocent face I can muster.
"You're lying," he accuses and my jaw drops but I can't help the small smile on my face.
"What?" I ask as the smile grows and soon a smile is on his face as well.

"Fine show me your cards," he nods at my cards and I quickly shake my head.
"That's cheating!" I claim.
"Fine then I'll just redeal the cards after I know you're not lying," he begins to scoot closer and closer and I yank the cards towards my chest.
"How do I know you're not going to do this everytime I say go fish?" I ask while he begins to tug at my cards.
"Fine if you're not lying right now then I won't ask to see your cards again," he bargains but I know I can't give in cause I actually was lying.

"Jesse," I whine as he gabs the cards from my hands. I hastilly leap onto his back in a last second effort to get my cards back and my head starts to warn me that I'm moving too fast by sending pain shooting straight through my brain like a bullet.
"Jesse!" I shout this time in fear as he stands straight up with me on his back, one arm hooks under one of my legs while the other goes through my cards.
"Ah ha!" he cheers while he holds up the nine.
"You little liar!" he shouts and before I can process anything he's spinning around in a circle with me still on his back.

I cling closely to his neck and my legs squeeze the life out of him as the world dances around me in a blur.
"Now what shall your punishment be for lying?" he smirks up at me as I look down at his still spinning face, well at least it looks like his face is spinning.
"Stop making sexual innuedos," I remark glowering down at him but a new type of smirk appears on his face as I say this.
"Stop thinking everything I say is a sexual innuedo, maybe you just have one thing on your mind when you're with me?" he suggests and I roll my eyes.
"Wow I actually rolled my eyes so far back that I could see my brain cells dying just from talking to you," I comment and he lets out an offended huff.
"Didn't know you had brain cells to begin with," he retorts and I kick his sides making him jump in surprise.

"Let's go outside," he states while walking with me still on his back, "You could use some nature."
"I could use some nature? When was the last time you, a 17 year old boy was outside?" I question and he huffs.
"You'd be surprised," he mumbles under his breathe.
"What you just like to go outside and sit on the swing for hours?" I comment and he laughs.
"No I have a five year old sister who likes to go on the swing for hours," he retorts and my mouth forms a small 'o', I almost forgot about his little sister Hope.

TaintedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora