Chapter 24: I May Even Love You

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Our bodies are flown upwards before we can process what's happening and our legs carry us through the wood's floor and this time I take no notice to the sticks piercing my legs but rather the thought of my brother as one more shot fills the air. I feel my senses heighten as we reach the lot and cars zoom out not caring if they hit anyone or if they're even on the road, they have a soul purpose and that's to get out of here while mine is the complete opposite and rather to get into there.

"Stay here!" Jesse shouts to me as he runs into the chaos.
"Hell no!" is my only response as I run after his figure and bolt in between cars to where I remember ours to be. We both make it to Jesse's car as the doors are suddenly slung open for us and Chris sits in the driver's seat with Katie in the passengers.
"GET IN!" my brother's voice cuts through the air like a knife and without thinking we throw ourselves into the car and right as I'm about to close the door Chris is off and I'm struggling to close it.

"What the hell happened back there?" Jesse shouts at the two of them as my brother books it out.
"I don't know all we heard was the gunshot and people screaming from the front of the lot and soon people were driving out. I told the other's to book it and that we'd stay back for you guys," Chris explains and Jesse and I both exchange a glance before my shaking figure is pulled into Jesse's chest. I know what this means, I know what this could mean.

"It could be him," I whisper into Jesse's ear and my only response is him shaking his head.
"No, no it's not Kira it's just some kid probably messing around with fire crackers or something, you're safe Kira, I promise," he soothes but I only shake my head.
"No Jesse this is what he does he causes chaos right before he attacks us right before..." I whimper before his lips press gently to mine.
"You're safe, I promise you you're safe," he whispers gently and I feel something unfamiliar stir in my stomach.

"How do you know that?" I whimper out.
"Because I would rather die than see you in pain, and as long as I'm around you are safe."


"The suspect is still unknown for the attack in Greenfield at a James Bond showing. Two people are currently in critical condition and 6 more injured from gunshot wounds, the police have few leads that point towards the suspect as he was masked and the hour he attacked was close to 1 in the morning..." I quickly flip the TV off as the reporter repeats news I've already been told. The police are still sniffing around my friends and I as we give them our stories and the truth at that but they still always seem to come back looking for the same thing over and over again.

Jesse's weight shifts next to me as I let out a long sigh.
"I still think we should tell the police who it could've been," I murmur but he only shakes his head.
"Kira remember what happened the last time you told the local police?" Jesse breathes.
"Right, my best friend ended up cut in half by train tracks," I growl and stand up pacing the room.
"Stop worrying Kira it's pointless and out of our hands," Jesse reasons but I shake my head.

"I'm sick of this I'm sick of running," I growl out and before I know it I'm launching the remote across the room and into the kitchen where a scream erupts.
"Kira what are you doing!?" my mother screeches as she peaks her head back from above the counter.
"Sorry mom," I mumble. My mother of course has heard about everything that happened, even the kiss to my embarrassment once she told me to elaborate on what Jesse and I were talking about. Thank God Jesse wasn't in the room when I was telling my mother my side of the story and if he was I would've died of pure embarrassment.

"Kira," my mother scolds as she walks into the room, "Sit down and watch... I don't know SpongeBob anything to stop your obsessive panic," she pushes me onto the couch next to Jesse and crosses her arms with that 'why did I bother having children in the first place?' look on her face.
"Mom I can't help but panic what if it was..." I shout.
"Kira shut up!" she screams and I feel Jesse shift uncomfortably. Oh he's about to see World War III go down.
"Why? Why can't we face the facts for once that it could be him!" I shout and I watch as my mother's eyes flicker over to Jesse and a look of realization crosses her face. She just realized I told Jesse. Instead of lashing out like I was wholeheartedly expecting her to, her shoulders sag and arms uncross. Whether or not she's glad I'm over my untrusting habit or she's just given up on me I don't really know.

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