Chapter 5: I Forgot my Chemistry Book

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The next morning I wake up with chills slithering down my spine like a snake. How did he know I was at a party? We'll have to transfer again and I'll never be able to see Macey or Katie, we'll have to move to a whole new state and start over.
"Breakfast!" Ana's strong voice echoes throughout the whole house and I fling my feet over to the cold hard floor. Slipping my socks on that fell off in my sleep I grab my bag and trot down the stairs with Maria running next to me.

"Who are you?" Maria asks innocently with wide brown eyes.
"I'm Kira, one of Macey's friends," I smile down at the little girl as a grin breaks out on her face and she throws her arms around me.
"I'm Maria!" she chirps just as Ana walks around the corner to see what's taking us so long.
"Hurry! Hurry! The food's going cold!" Ana scolds both of us and we trot into the kitchen which smells absolutely amazing.

As we all sit at the kitchen table, Macey, Vicky, Katie, Macey's dad who I found out to be Pablo, and Maria are all seated when my phone buzzes in my pocket once more.
Hello? the same odd number says.
"Kira no phones at the table," Katie whispers quietly in my ear and nods at Ana whose back is currently turned to us as she cooks more green peppers.
"Oh sorry," I sigh and feel my face pale as I realize he's actually trying to contact me this time.

Breakfast seems to drag on forever when all I want to do is be completely stupid and irresponsible and text the number back. I feel my phone vibrate one more time and I can't take it anymore, "Hey where's the bathroom?" I ask as my knee bounces up and down crazily.
"Down the hall to the left honey," Ana instructs and I'm down there so quickly it looks like my bladder's about to explode.

Locking the door I sit on the toilet seat and whip out my phone.
Chris is at my house.

Damn it Chris! Why the hell did you have to get so drunk last night? He must've tricked him into getting in the car with him, he found us he really finally did and now he's going to fulfill all of the deadly promises he made to us years ago.

What do you want? my finger hesitates over the send button. I know that if I contact witness protection program like I should then Chris will be in some deep shit and will end up getting even more hurt. I don't care if I'm not supposed to contact him, he has Chris I have to. And with that thought I send it.

He responds in less than a minute and I feel rage bubble in my chest as he sounds so casual.
You should pick your brother up.

How did you find us? I send the text without a second thought I just need to know how he's been doing it all these years, how he'd find our cars, homes, phone numbers. The scariest part was when he showed up in the middle of my school with a gun, he didn't get very far, I called the police the second I laid eyes on him while he was disguised as a janitor; ever since I've been weary around janitors.

What do you mean?

You know what I mean, you shouldn't of been able to find us. Not again.

Kira what are you talking about?

Wait, who are you?


Oh shit. I've done it this time. I feel my heart skip a beat and sweat form on my temples as I read over the text. Oh my gosh it was Jesse, now all of it makes sense. The first text asked if I enjoyed the party, something I stupidly mistook as a stalker text when in reality it of course was just Jesse being an annoying asshat.

Hurrying out of the bathroom I say goodbye and thank the family before heading out the door. My house isn't far from here, maybe a five minute walk, three if I run which is just what I really need to do right about now. I sling my bag over my shoulders and tighten it around my back before sprinting the half a mile back home.

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