Chapter 2

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The coffee machine hummed loudly, slowly grinding the ingredients within. After a few seconds, it spewed out a stream of hot, black liquid into a paper cup resting below. The stream ceased before the coffee could reach the brim. Akasuki sat the cup down on the kitchen counter and started pouring cream from an open foil packet.

After stirring the cup with a teaspoon, she picked it up to gulp down a heap amount of coffee, savoring the creamy taste as it journeyed down her throat. She then exhaled a heavy sigh, a smile beginning to form on her dull, morning face.

Nothing like a good cup of joe to start the morning.

It was a another summer morning in the International Ohmeikan House, home to the college students at Nagoya University. The building was relatively quiet as most students either went home or went somewhere else for the summer.

Akasuki, on the other hand, had no reason to go home since her parents were barely there to begin with and she didn't like going to the beach. During the summer, all she really planned on doing was playing Chromatic World, watching anime, and reading fantasy novels.

She sighed, looking back at her boring life. Some days she wished it was more exciting.

Having finished her morning coffee, Akasuki left the kitchen to return to her room. As she turned a corner, she nearly collided against a moving desktop, luckily jolting back in time.

"Hey!" she shouted at the person carrying it, "Watch it!"

"Tch," the carrier clicked their tongue in annoyance, "Maybe if you had possessed a notable bosom, they would've bounced off the collision."

Akasuki knew that annoyed, heavy tone from anywhere and she regretted having to meet with that person at all times.

Before her stood a slightly obese young man. His attire screamed nerd and he even had the glasses to match that archetype.

"What are you doing on the Girl's floor, Michishige?" Akasuki asked, placing a hand on her hip.

"Well if you must know, I, Michishige," the nerd said, pushing his glasses up while still holding his desktop, "Just purchased this new desktop from a seller on this very floor."

"For a cheap price too!" said a boy wearing similar clothing behind him, grinning and perversely eyeing at Akasuki, "Hello, Miss Humiya."

"Oh god, you brought your little brother here too?" Akasuki looked at the pair with disdain.

The Koike brothers were bigger otakus than herself and known troublemakers throughout the university. Michishige alone was enough, getting angry at the slightest insult towards his interests and hitting on every passing female possible.

"Just so you know, Humiya," Michishige said, "I, Michishige, have yet to forgive you for your incomprehensible display of victory in our last Cross X Blade PvP* match."

"That was freaking two months ago. You're still hung up on that?"

"I, Michishige, refuse to admit defeat to a half bit gamer such as yourself!" Michishige declared, gritting his teeth, "Come now, little brother. Let us not waste time on this ruffian."

"See you later, Miss Humiya." his brother winked at Akasuki and the two departed towards the elevator.

I think I just lost a few brain cells back there.

After her unpleasant encounter with the brothers, Akasuki finally reached her room. She used her card key and slide it down into the slot, unlocking the door, and then the knob to open it.

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