|Stanford| Maybe This Time

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A/N: Hey guys!... sorry I'm not active lately... anyways, my writing might be a bit off today... and I'm really sorry for the super slow update! I have no excuses...

Song: Maybe This Time by Sarah Geronimo

Requested by: gravityfalls2104

Genre: Sequel (The Girl in the Photo), Songfic, Fem!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(H/S): Your Hairstyle
(H/L): Your Hair Length
(H/C): Your Hair Colour
(E/C): Your Eye Colour
(L/N): Your Last Name
(D/J): Your Dream Job

(Y/N)'s POV

"I can't believe it's really you!" I said bear hugging Stanley.

"Umph! It's great to see you too, (N/N)!" he said giving me a noogie.

"Ahh! Geez... after all this years and you still haven't grown up?" I chuckled fixing my hair.

"What can I say, the years have been good to me?" he said giving a pose. I laughed and lightly punched his shoulder.

"Anyways, I should probably get started with the tour. You wanna tag along?" he asked spinning around his staff and I shrugged.

"Why not? This seems interesting" I said.

While Stan was giving his tour, I looked around the "Mystery Shack" and its ornaments.

"Huh, the last time I was here, blueprints and science-y stuff were all over the place..." I mumbled to myself.

While I was looking around, I heard an explosion from below shaking the shack; the tourists started to panic.

"Everyone! Calm down! That was just... the GOBLINS! Right, the goblins!" Stanley said earning the crowd's attention (and eventually their money). I stood up and brushed off my clothes and I heard a loud door slam.

"*cough* *cough* too much gun powder..." I heard a deep voice said and saw a familiar man by the employee's room with smoke coming from the inside. He turned his gaze to me and I looked away and averted my attention to the key chains.

Stanford's POV

I went out of the basement and accidentally got out of the living room

"*cough* *cough* too much gun powder..." I mumbled to myself as I fan away the smoke

'Good thing the kids went outside...' I thought and looked around when I saw a woman with (H/S), (H/L), greyish-(H/C) hair. I gaped and ran in her direction.

"U-uh... e-excuse me, miss?" I said tapping her shoulder. She turned around and I was greeted with familiar (E/C)-coloured orbs.

"(Y-Y/N)?" I said shocked.

"H-hey... Stanford..." she greeted sheepishly and I heard a slam and a loud gasp; we turned around and saw Mabel and Dipper by the door with their mouths open.

"OH...MY...GOSH!!!" Mabel screamed tackling (Y/N) into a bear hug.

"U-umm... hello to you too, I guess?" (Y/N) greeted her awkwardly and Dipper started to bombard her with questions about me, Stanley, and Gravity Falls. I looked over to (Y/N) and gave her an apologetic look and she gave me a smile and I felt my heart jump a bit. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw that it was Stanley.

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