|Reverse!Dipper| Memories

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Requested by: ReinaDrowned

Age: 17

Genre: Reverse!AU, Prequel(XBFF), Fem!Reader

(H/C): Your Hair Colour
(E/C): Your Eye Colour
(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(M/N): Your Mother's Name
(R/B): Random Boy's Name

Dipper's POV

"Mabel! Dipper!" a female voice called out in a whisper. I turned around and saw a beautiful (H/C) haired girl with dazzling (E/C) eyes that puts the stars to shame. She smiled at us and I felt my heart race and my face flushed.

"Why don't you take a photo, brother dear? It will last longer" Mabel teased making me glare at her and I saw someone grabbed our hands.

"Our parents are talking to the mayor, let's go sneak out!" (Y/N) grinned and pulled Mabel and I to the back.

We reached the back garden without the security catching us "Let's go to the lake! I think I saw something shiny in there" (Y/N) said taking off her shoes and ran off to the lake.

"(Y/N), wait for us!" I shouted taking her shoes and followed her with Mabel. When we got to the lake, she lifted up her dress and jumped into the lake splashing all of us.

"Ugh, (N/N)!" Mabel said and giggled.

"Come on! It could have magical powers or something!" (Y/N) beamed and searched around the lake. Mabel and I rolled our eyes and smiled at our best friend.

"Why would you want to have magical powers, anyway?" I asked taking off my shoes and putting down my journal.

"Who wouldn't?" (Y/N) asked and Mabel jumped into the lake with (Y/N).

"Either way, if it isn't magical, maybe we can fool other people that it is and get some money off of it," Mabel said searching around the lake.

"Are you guys are really your Grunkle's niece and nephew...?" (Y/N) mumbled as I joined them in the search.

After a few minutes of searching, I heard (Y/N) shout: "Hey Dipping Sauce! Look what I've found!" while waving around what seemed to be a necklace with blue flowers in the inside:

After a few minutes of searching, I heard (Y/N) shout: "Hey Dipping Sauce! Look what I've found!" while waving around what seemed to be a necklace with blue flowers in the inside:

Hoppsan! Denna bild följer inte våra riktliner för innehåll. Försök att ta bort den eller ladda upp en annan bild för att fortsätta.

"Where do you think it's from, brother dear?" Mabel asked me.

"I'm not quite sure, sister dear. But it might be magical; like (Y/N) said," I said inspecting the necklace.

"Maybe your journal has something about it" (Y/N) suggested pointing at it.

"It's worth a try" I shrugged.

We all got out of the lake and I scanned through the journal.

"Stupid... chain..." (Y/N) mumbled struggling to put on the necklace.

"Here, let me help," I said giving the journal to Mabel and took the two ends of the necklace and clipped them together.

"Thanks, Dip" she smiled and I blushed at this.

"U-um... *ahem* don't worry about it," I said looking away and we saw the necklace glowing a mix of light blue and yellow.

"Here it is," Mabel said pointing at the drawing of the necklace,

"The Forget-Me-Not Necklace, it says that if the necklace glows light blue and yellow, the person who gave the necklace is the--...true love of the...wearer..." Mabel read out loud surprising the three of us.

"U-umm... Our parents might be looking for us! We better get back before they suspect something" I hurriedly said and fast walked back to the mansion.

"Brother dear! Wait for us!" Mabel called out.

"Yeah! You're not the one in heels!" (Y/N) shouted hiding the necklace in her dress.

When we got back, everything seems to be normal.

"(Y/N)! There you are!" (Y/N)'s mother exclaimed pulling (Y/N) into the crowd while Mabel and I followed "This is my daughter, (Y/N). Isn't she beautiful?" (Y/N)'s mother introduced to the others.

"Oh my! You sure weren't exaggerating (M/N)" a woman said.

"Uh... thank you, miss" (Y/N) doing a bow to the lady.

"And polite too! She will be a perfect wife for my (R/B)" she exclaimed.

"What!?" the three of us asked.

"Mom, you can't be serious!" (Y/N) said pulling her mother's dress.

"Hush now, dear. You haven't even met the boy yet... you might like him!" her mother said kneeling down to her size.

"But what if I don't? I'm too young to be chained!" (Y/N) exclaimed \.

"(Y/N) please, be reasonable. I don't want you to grow up alone" her mother said.

"Unless you have someone else in mind..." she continued. (Y/N) glanced at me and I felt my cheeks burn up and I looked away. I heard her sigh and say: "I guess not..." making my heart break into a million pieces.

"Then it's settled! When do you want the wedding to be held?" (Y/N)'s mother asked and I couldn't bear to hear any of it.

Ever since then, I've avoided (Y/N) altogether. I couldn't see my best friend getting married to a random stranger. Even though I want her to be the one I see walking down the aisle, I can't. I made a deal with a demon, kill people, and have demonic powers!

I might hurt her without even knowing it... I mean sure she already knows about it but still... she deserves someone better than me... that's why I tried to get her out of my mind. Flirting and dating other girls, maybe one of them might make me forget about her. But boy was I wrong

Every day just gets worse and worse. I missed her. Grunkle Stan, Mabel, and Soos know about this. They've tried talking me in making up with (Y/N) and that flirting with other girls won't help me but I know that if I face her, my heart will just fall as hard as two years ago... That's when I saw her, Pacifica Southeast.

She was beautiful, no doubt. Inside and out, I thought I've met the one who will ease my pain. I thought she was the one for me and that I've gotten over (Y/N) because of her. But after hanging out with (Y/N) this couple of weeks, my heart fell for her; if not harder than ever. And now I don't know what to do...

I opened my eyes and saw the sun was starting to set; I sat up from my spot with a sigh and brushed off the grass on my clothes.

"I better get home before Mabel starts to suspect something..." I mumbled.

"Dipper?" a female voice called out. I turned around and felt my heart tighten around my chest.




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