Cheating Aftermath

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A/N: Guys I wouldn't do Lazy Susan like that I just said it was another woman- She's too much of a cinnamon roll-

Genre: Headcanons

|Bill Cipher|

-RIP all of his demon subordinates

-Every day, he's super angry, and there is not one day where someone is injured or exploded

-They even tried going to you to get back together like YOU broke up with THEM

-It was both annoying and hilarious

-Each night, he tries to go into your dreams to try and change your mind

-And every time he fails

-He even tried talking to the Pines family for help, saying he won't ever start Weirdmageddon or take revenge

-Before they made a deal, you stopped them saying you won't ever take him back

-RIP the forest trees, but you managed to calm him down before destroying Gravity Falls

-He finally accepted it, but he still hopes you and him would be together in the future (except he's not so pushy anymore)

-Seeing you move on and smiling again breaks him, but he knows that you deserve to be happy

-You may not know it, but he still looks after you in the background, regretting ever hurting you

|Dipper Pines|

-Mabel didn't go easy on him

-She may be his twin sister, but cheating is just a big no for her, especially since you two were friends

-She, Candy, and Greta came to you, making sure you were okay and had a girl's slumber party

-She apologized on behalf of Dipper. but you just said it's okay and just want to enjoy a night with your girls

-The day after, Dipper went to your house and apologized, he wasn't as pushy as Bill, but he regretted his decision

-When you said no, he respected your decision and decided to work harder to win you back

-You haven't been visiting the Mystery Shack, which made him worried and guilty

-Grunkle Stan, Wendy, and Soos got the gist of it, so they didn't question it too much

-Until one day, he saw you hanging out with your friends, finally smiling

-It hurt him to see you happy without him, but he also felt relieved you were getting better

-You were moving on, but he was still stuck on you

|Stanley Pines|

-The man couldn't look at his family in the eye

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