|Wendy| This Love Is Ours

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A/N: When I was making this, I thought about this song... kinda weird but I guess it kind of relates? (I hope at least XD) there might be more lyrics relating to it but I picked this one because I thought it was more appropriate ^^. I'm still not used with same-sex couples so please bear with me...

And it's not theirs to speculate,
If it's wrong and,
Your hands are tough but they are where,
I belong in,
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you.

-Ours by Taylor Swift

Requested byZoebella2006

Genre: Songfic, Sequel (No Homo?)

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(F/M): Your Favourite Movie

(Y/N)'s POV

"(N/N)! Are you up yet?" I heard Wendy call out from downstairs.

"Mmm... five more minutes...!!" I groaned putting a pillow above my head. Minutes later, I heard footsteps nearby and my bedroom door swung open.

"(N/N)! You're still in bed?" she asked peeking through the pillow.

"Yes... Mabel made me try Mabel Juice last night and now I feel groggy..." I groaned and turned to the other side.

"Aww... my poor baby..." Wendy said laying next to me and wrapped her arms around me; I felt her remove the blanket on me and nuzzled on my neck.

"Wendy..." I called out,

"Hmm..." she hummed.

"Don't you have work?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. I can take care of Stan" she answered.

"Go to work... I don't want Mr. Pines giving me looks when I go to the shack..." I mumbled making her sigh in defeat.

"But it's so boring without you there..." she whined.

"...If I go with you... will you go to work?" I suggested and I felt her nod on my neck making me sigh.

"...Give me 10 minutes..." I said and I heard her cheer and lightly squeeze me.

"You're the best girlfriend ever!" she said pecking me on the cheek, "I'll see you at the shack!" she beamed running down the stairs. I lightly laughed at her actions and sat up.

"Oh well... it's not like I have anything else to do" I mumbled as I got ready to go to the shack.

When I got there, it was pretty crowded since there were about three tour buses outside. I saw Mr. Pines giving a tour, Dipper and Mabel cleaning some of the displays on the shelves, Soos was fixing the soda machine, and Wendy was at the register.

"(Y/N)!" Mabel greeted giving me a hug.

"Hey, Mabel! Hey, Dipper!" I greeted the two.

"How was the Mabel Juice I gave you?" she happily asked making me and Dipper freeze.

"O-oh right! Well... I guess you could say it was a knockout...!" I said making the girl smile brightly.

"I knew it! I told you Mabel Juice wasn't dangerous" she said showing her tongue at her twin.

"Whatever you say Mabel" Dipper shrugged as the girl happily skipped away to clean more knick-knacks.

"You passed out?" Dipper whispered.

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