[ 24 ] White Lies

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"Okay, Chanyeol. What a nice name," the woman praises as he stares intently at this young man, "You have a handsome face and an impressive height."

"Thanks. I get that a lot."

"Where are the other tenants by the way?" Baekhyun's mom asks, giving Baekhyun a fishy stare, "Looks like the two of you are left alone here?"

"T-they went out for a while!"

"Okay, I see," she answers.

Another lie, Chanyeol says to himself. So this is what you want.

"So. Does Baekhyun pay his rent on a regular basis or?" the woman asks, and Baekhyun is giving Chanyeol the look. Chanyeol has no fucking idea what the hell does that mean. "I'm just worried since he got no part-time job and all. I just wanted to maybe help my son pay his house expenses and all that stuff?"

"Uh, the rent. Yeah. Of course." Chanyeol laughs dryly. "He pays the rent but I accept payments rather not in cash. I know he doesn't have a job right now so, yeah. I'm really a considerate person so I greatly appreciate small deeds, like him helping me out around the house. Doing some chores. Working out with some stuff together or something like that."

Baekhyun is glowing red now. He keeps shuffling on his seat and playing with his hands nervously.

"I see. I guess that's nice." The woman heartily laughs and Chanyeol thinks she is just so fucking dumb and clueless, but still adorable like Baekhyun. He feels guilty, though. "Are you two friends or something?"

"Yeah!" / "No."

Both males answer in unison, but the difference in their replies makes the woman a bit skeptical. She puts down her cup of tea and crosses her arms.

"So, what are you? Just acquaintances?"

"No. Baekhyun and I are---" Chanyeol opens his mouth to speak but Baekhyun cuts him off.

"We're best friends!"

Chanyeol internally chokes on his saliva. Baekhyun's voice was too chirpy and annoying to even ignore, and so he side-eyes him as if he's scanning the smaller male's whole existence.

"Really?" the woman asks. "I didn't know you have another best friend aside from Sehun."

That's because I am your son's boyfriend, woman. Chanyeol glares at the window right behind Baekhyun's mom.

"You see, Mom. We've known each other for several years now. Me and Chanyeol sunb---" Baekhyun clears his throat. "I mean, me and Chanyeol went to the same high school so we became really close during that time."


"We were both in the Student Council," Chanyeol adds. "We spent a lot of time together there."

"Yeah! He was the Student Council President and I was his--" slut, "--Vice President! R-right, Chanyeollaaah?"

Okay. Chanyeol wants to fucking punch him on the face and kiss him on the lips at the same time because that was just plain cute.

"Yes, of course. My Vice President."

"And now that I passed the entrance exam, we're gonna go to the same university, too!" Baekhyun says, grinning so wide, "Isn't that great, Mom? Chanyeol and I will be together in college so you don't have to worry about me!"

Behind Closed Doors: BOOK 2 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now