Chapter 6

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I support her,as she collapses in my arms.

Tears without my notice start covering my cheeks.

"Min-ah!" I start shaking her to reopen her eyes again for me.

"I-...." She finally said something. Her mouth dried out of exhaustion.

"I love you too,Jeon Jungkook" She said these last words before passing out completely. Only one thing stood out...

The first tear.... Of happiness.

"Minah!" I kept shouting and shaking her lifeless body. Tears all over my face. Strangers kept passing us like I'm crazy,yet nobody cared.

I lay her down gently,and take out my phone quickly. My bloody hands from her body,covered up the screen of my phone as I typed in the emergency number.

Soon after when we arrived to the hospital she was rushed to the emergency room as quickly as possible as she was in a critical state,and lost alot of blood.

My blurry eyes never left her body as she was pushed to the room.

"Sir,you can't go to the emergency room,I have to ask you to sit down" the doctor said calmly and pointed me to bench near it.

I took a last glance at Minah. Her bruised and bloody yet beautiful face...

And then I was pushed out of the room,and finally took a seat.

It has been 5 hours as I've seen her. And,yet I still waited,waited,and waited.

And finally the doctor walked out. As desperate as I am,I quickly shot up from my seat and ran up to him, and didn't even let him speak as I bombarded with questions about Minah.

"Sir,first thing is I need you to calm down,second.. What's your name,and how are you related to the person"

I take in a nervous breath as I speak up.

"Um..J-Jeon Jungkook and I am...her boyfriend..." the doctor only nodded and sighed afterwards writing it all down in his papers.

The nurses opened up the door and pushed out Minah. I quickly run up and hold on to the bed railings.

"Ah,Minah-shi,you're ok,right?" I say as I slowly place my hand on her cheek. And to my was cold...

I cup her cheeks to warm them,but it's no use,and I can't see her body taking in the oxygen. Slowly as realization hits me I turn to the doctor as he looked as sad as me. No, scratch that,nobody could feel the pain I'm feeling right now.

It feels like my lungs were pressed so I couldn't breath,my heart was taken and shattered with a hammer.

Because that heart belongs to someone.

I kneel down near the bed that's in the middle of the hallway and start sobbing. The doctor comes near and places a hand on my shoulder as they kept going up and down from crying.

"We tried everything,but,.....we couldn't save her"

Hearing just those three words 'couldnt save her' pushed me deeper in depression than I ever was,and I startded crying even harder.

I stand up,my face red and messy,but I didn't care. The nurses startded pushing her to an empty room and I followed them.

They left me and Minah alone.

"Minah..." I break out to cry more.

"Tommorow w-will be your birthday.." I sob even harder and take a look at the clock.

23:59 pm

"only coup-couple seconds le-left...and I wanted to spend it with yo-you. I-I'm sorry I didn't protect you,l-like I said... I-I-i lied..."
I stuttered,trying to control myself not to burst into tears.

The clock finally showed 00:00

"Happy birthday" I whispered,with a tone of happy bitterness.

And I cupped her cold cheeks once again and kissed her.

"I'm always here,Minah"

99 letters before I loved you / Jeon Jungkook ffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें