Chapter 2

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I was walking down the hallway to my class and then Jungkook walked up to me,smiling slightly.

I stop in my place and turn around to him. Before I could say anything he interupted me.

"I know,I know, I shouldn't be talking to you because 'dont even think about it' blah blah blah" he imitated my voice.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

He placed both of his hands on my shoulders and looked at me for a split second to which then I got death glares from the desperate girls in the corner.

"I see you got fans" I point out. Jungkook follows the direction to where my eyes where at ,and chuckles lightly. "Oh my god,yeah..." I soon realised though,that his hands were still on my shoulders and I pushed em off.

"Let's eat lunch!So we can know each other better!" He shouted excitedly. I darted my eyes up to his,that were a bit higher than I expected. We locked our eyes,and that sparkle... that sparkle in his eyes

"So Young...?" I whispered slightly under my breath.

"What?" He quickly responded. As soon as I realised what I had said, I shook my head. "Sorry... I sort of dazed off." I smiled for reassurance. "Woah..." He slightly gasped . "What?" I responded a bit confused "That's so pretty" Jungkook said. "What is?" I replied back,still a bit confused - "That smile...That smile of yours" As he said that he smiled himself and I found myself slightly blushing. "It's not" I collected my cool and turned my heels to actually get to class. As Jungkook stayed behind he shouted again "So are we eating lunch together?!" I looked to the ground and smiled a bit before flipping him off,not even looking back at him. For some reason I could feel his pout from here.

I shouldn't get close to him...

He then finally stopped and looked at me.

"Minah?" He started.

I looked at him not saying anything letting him respond.

"What really happend with So....Young?" He finished.

I didn't want to talk about it. I only started walking once again ignoring his question. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me." He warmly smiled at me.

"So...Young..." I startded and he turned to me.

"She was the purest thing in the whole world" I smile bitterly through the pain. I sigh once again and come closer to Jungkook.

"That's all you need to know" I looked up at him and smiled.

A lot of smiling today...very weird of me...

"OK... Well, I have to go here" He said as he pointed to the left of the sidewalk.

I slightly nodded and wished him luck.

While walking alone a lot of thoughts were in my head. And this day was probably the closest as of feeling warmth and comfort for the first time in ages.


Another school day. Of course, what's new?

I step out of my apartment and put on an emotionless face. But that's how I've been every day. But sadness and anger would probably be the only two emotions for the past 12 months.

I finally reach school. And this time it's only worse. I even get death glares now? For what?

One of the girls walks up to me and starts spitting some gibberish.

"If I see you... If I see you one more time with Jungkook,you will regret it!" She spat.

"Look,you can have him. I don't need Jungkook. Go ahead,take a piece of his hair while you're at it" I replied not really paying attention at to what she was saying.

"I'm not joking around Minah.. You won't slip so easily." The girl said looking so angry, but at the same time desperate.

"Look, " I came closer to her and looked straight into her eyes.

"I have 0 feelings for the new guy. He doesn't like me,I don't like him." I said and brushed passher. Leaving her and her friends dumbfounded.

I came to my locker and opened it to see another note.

I neatly unfold it and it says:

"be strong,because someone cares for you"

Not gonna lie. That made me smile a little bit. This time I didn't think of anything bad and I nicely placed it in my backpack,and seconds later,I could feel someone behind me.

I swiftly turn around to see the only person that would be behind me. Well there's people that would be behind me just to do something bad to me but this time,no bad things.

I'm happy at the same time I'm scared honestly,I'm so tired of bullying.

"Hi,Minah" Jungkook spoke ruffling my hair.

"Yah" I yelled. "Stop it,and get away from me" I said irritated.

Suddenly his happy smile fell and turned into a frown.

"Why?" He asked looking concerned.

I first looked around to see if those girls were staring.

The coast is clear. I take him by the wrist and start pulling him with me harshly somewhere where I wouldn't be really seen.

See,the public eye doesn't,well how to put it that me ***sarcasm,this whole sentence,bc,I mean u already know that xD***

"Ok..I think no one will see us" I mumbled,one last time looking around.

"Ok,why are you saying to get away from you?And then pulling me somewhere where we're literally alone??" Jungkook asked me very, very confused.

"The thing is,I'm done.I'm so weak inside,I can barely breathe. Everything has been so hard since the beginning. I used to be strong,but just the pressure of bullying took over me... But never mind,what I was going to to tell you is that the desperate girls for you,will do something horrible to me. And I dont want i-" I kept talking and talking until Jungkook pressed his finger on my lips and shushed me.

I quickly removed it when I came back to my senses.

"What was that for?" I asked,as you can tell,not very happy.

"To shut you up." He said looking serious.

"And I'm not leaving your side,let's link arms while we're at it. As you said,you are tired of it,so I'm gonna help you be safe and protected" He showed me his bunny smile,and as said,linked his arms with me.

Of sudden action I threw my hair infront of my face,that nobody would recognize me.

We finally reached the main hallway,and he stopped walking.

He sqauted down to my hight and removed the hair off of my face and I could already feel girls burning holes.

"Yah" I whispered shouted to him.
"What?Stay still Minah-ah,I'm fixing your beautiful hair,that's covering up your flawless face" He kept commenting while slowly brushing off my hair. And then for a couple seconds we were caught in the moment,staring at each other.

He finally stood up straight and started dragging me with him,with our arms linked.

I'm so dead...

99 letters before I loved you / Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now