Chapter 4

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After school I decide to visit my childhoods favourite place,since today was a really nice day. The playground.

I drop my bag near the swing and start lightly swinging. Closed eyes,as the wind is softly passing through really makes me think.

What if...

What if there was never an I
What if there was never a heartbreak
What if there was never a he

I open my eyes after a couple of minutes and see myself. Once again,small,and fragile,playing around with my mom and dad.

The little me points towards me and runs next to me. My mom slowly walks up to me and looks at the little me.

(A:N) I kno getting confusing,just
bare with me 😂😂

"Mommy,who's she?" I asked my mom tugging on her coat while still looking at myself.

"She',honey." My mom smiled. Ow.. How I missed this smile...

A slight giggle escapes the little me's mouth.

"Wow...I'm so pretty" I say and laugh once again.

The present me,I blush.

"And strong,and independent,and loved, one and only" My mom says breaking trough the tears.

She comes closer and kisses my forehead. Feels soreal.

"M-mom" I finally break trough.
"I miss you" I,say.

"Don't worry Minah,I'll come back,after all I'm not dead" She sweetly smiled.

I wiped off newly streaming tears and looked around.

Everything is empty.The slide is untouched,and the swing kept remaining swinging to the wind's melody.

I sniffle a bit,and wipe my tears dry with the back of my sleeve.

"Aish,Minah,why so weak" I mumbled with my stuffy nose looking at my stained sleeve.

I close my eyes once again and swing to the muffled and shuffled nature sounds. But not long after I felt presence near the swings.

I slowly open my eyes and look at the person who's sitting on the next swing.

"Hey.." He softly spoke.
"What's up" Jungkook asked still keeping the same tone.

"I don't know, the sky" I sniffle through my words and laugh slightly after I said that stupid joke. Soon enough I heard him chuckle too.

"Why are you crying?" He asked,now returning his soft voice again.

"Reasons" I simply answered,looking up the sky.

"What kind?" He kept throwing questions at me.

"Family,memories..." I look down,and turn to him,with my puffy eyes and stuffy nose.

"Ah,Minah... In the end,everything is going to be ok"

He finally stood up,took my hand and said.

"Let's go do something fun,I'm paying!"  He excitedly said and pulled me up. Not letting me argue he startded running with me,hand in hand.

[insert bitterly happy music and a happy moment Montage type imagination😂😂 *gotta blast*]

We started with ice cream. It was pretty nice,but not burning hot,since it's still late February.So when Jungkook bought the ice cream people looked at us like we're crazy,but young.

"Minah,look" Before taking a bite of my ice-cream I turned to look at him and he took a picture of both of us.

He had a smiling expression and I had...well a confused one.

I swallowed my bite of ice cream and spoke.

"This time I'll let it slide" I said laughing a bit.

He then came closer,and put a tissue on my nose and wiped something off. I crossed my eyes to my nose to see him doing it.

"There." He said and smiled.

I only laughed,ignoring what he did.

We then went to the beach like little kids,very excited.

We quickly slipped off our shoes and rolled up our pants.

We went and splashed in the water,and ran everytime a big wave would come.

Finally we were exhausted. We put on our shoes and we startded walking to our next destination. As we walked,we passed the bridge of life.

I stopped and looked down.

"Minah" Jungkook starded.
"Never,ever,please have ideas of any kind of suicide... I know you are going trough alot,but it's not how you should end things" Jungkook said,revealing the worry in his voice.

"....I won't." I responded turning to him.

He took out his pinky and and asked me to intertwine our fingers together.

"And stamp it" He said.
I rolled my eyes,but did it anyway.

"I promise" I said and eye smiled.

99 letters before I loved you / Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now