We all stared at her as she turned around again and she blushed, subtly stepping closer to Zayn. “Would you mind signing something for him?” She asked shyly.

“Or I could do it in person.” Harry smiled.

“Really? That would be great.”

Harry nodded and I smiled at him fondly. He was to sweet for his own good.

Zayn and Perrie squeezed onto the couch with us and Liam and Niall curled up in the recliner.

I was practically sitting in Harry's lap just to make room for the other couple.  "You need a bigger couch." I pursed my lips.

"I didn't need one until you came along." He sighed.

I suddenly felt bad for inviting all my friends over. Granted, Niall actually called them but he would never have met them if it weren't for me.

"Stop." Harry murmured.

The others were talking about some trip Zayn and Perrie had taken, so they weren't paying much attention to us.

"Don't over think things. This is your flat too, you can invite how ever many people you want over. We can get even get a bigger couch if you want."

He kissed my temple and I blushed, glad that no one was watching us. I pecked him on the lips with a soft smile.

After a while Niall suggested we play truth or dare so we formed a circle on the floor and Niall insisted we play 'the proper way' so he turned off the lights and used the light of our phones as a flashlight when it was our turn.

"I dare you to drink ketchup." Zayn smirked evilly.

Niall scrunched his nose in distaste but got up and went to the cabinet to get the ketchup.

When I found out Harry kept his ketchup in the cuboard and not the fridge like everyone else, I knew we were soul mates. I know it's a petty think to base that on but it's the small things that count the most.

Niall tilted his head back with a grimace and looked over at Liam. "If I don't make it, tell my mother I love her." He sighed dramatically, popping open the top and holding it above his head. He squirted a fair amount into his open mouth before closing his mouth and swallowing with a sour lemon face.

We all laughed and he buried his face in Liam’s chest.

I felt bad for him so I went into the kitchen to get him a glass of water and a cookie. He smiled a little at me as he took them with a polite thank you.

I returned to Harry's side and wiggled my way under his arm until he finally wrapped it around my shoulders.

"Louis, truth or dare?" Niall sighed.

"Truth." I was too comfortable to do a dare. I just wanted to be close to Harry.

"What do you like most about Harry? And you can't say everything. You have to pick one."

None of us knew why Niall hadn't done an embarrassing question but I didn't complain as I thought hard and narrowed it down.

"Probably his eyes.  Not just because they're a lovely color but most of the time I can tell what he's thinking when I look into them. I love the way they light up when he gets excited or darken when he gets 'excited''." I tilted my head up a bit to look into his eyes with a fond smile. If I had to define love this would be it.

"That is sickeningly cute." Perrie cooed.

I blushed a little and Harry leaned down to kiss my lips gently.  He knew I didn't like PDA so he kept it short and sweet.

Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @bradfords}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon