Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

- Scars Inside & Out.

Adam's POV

As I stare at the window all I see is farms and trees and empty fields for miles to come then I feel something on my shoulder.. it's Athena she looks so at peace when she is asleep. The minute they announced her as the last of The Three I knew I had to find out who she was.

When I did finally did and saw her picture I knew I had fallen for her. It was her eyes and her faint yet beautiful smile that got me. Even the first time I saw her I couldn't breathe even if she was crying. Her big blue eyes showed and shined brighter than ever, yet they showed that she was strong and caring and I admired her for that. When she tried to hide her emotions, by being strong when others aren't yet I know I can't have feeling for her. Not because she will become ruler in a matter of days but because of The Three...

Maybe because she and I are apart of The Three we can't be together but at the same time I will not only have to fight for Nostalgia but for Athena. Maybe if Athena and I were together it would make the bond of The Three stronger because we would not just be protecting Nostalgia or the world but each other. However I know Lainey and Dominic will not be so happy.

As I see Athena now cuddling with my arm and resting her head on my shoulder I see her face no longer at ease but worried she's horrified something is happening and I have to stop it.

"Mmmaagaammmdiffhg." I hear Athena mumbling something but I can make out the words.

"Theens." I shake her to wake up but she is still asleep.

"Theens." I shake her harder but I'm afraid I'll hurt her.

"ATHENA !" I am now shouting and shaking her harder but still she is asleep.

"ATHENA!" I shake her and her head bobbles a bit then it stops. She is once again at ease her worried look is gone and I place her head back on my shoulder. I honestly hope that nightmare was not the work of Xavier she already told me of him and the last time they meet it didn't end well of course it didn't it never ends well with Xavier. I hope he leaves her because if he doesn't all is lost.

The last time I saw Xavier was a month ago and he was in the form of my mother although he looked and talked like her I knew it wasn't her because her light and sweet nature was gone, and was replaced by and evil psychopath with no mercy. Those nightmares have scarred me and lasted for two weeks straight! Dominic says that Xavier is a side effect or a test created by The Wisp and he is put in our dreams to see how we will react to brute force, pain, and endless heartbreak by the ones we love most. Yes I know it does sound a bit harsh to create such a thing in someone's mind and cause them so much pain. But the Wisp gave us a gift and such a gift calls for great responsibility. Wouldn't you want to know see how the barriers of such a gift would react too? Yeah I know they are only dreams but they feel so real and even if they are dreams they have left me scars both psychical and psychological. I barely sleep now but thankfully he hasn't come back but the danger will always come to mind every time I close my eyes. But for right now I need to stop thinking about Xavier and everything. He probably just came once and left her for good! I take a few breaths and I feel my heart beating faster and faster yet I feel so calm is this the work of Athena or my affection for her?

I feel a bit bad because I lied to her about me being her bodyguard but I in way I kinda am the three always have to protect each other and Nostalgia but I know that's Lainey's job to protect Athena not mine. But there is a part in me that want to hide Athena from the world to keep her safe but I know that sound impossible and stupid. So now now only time will tell what Athena and I will be...

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