Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

- The Love Feast.

So here I am standing in the front of the restroom's door it honestly felt like there was a humongous ferocious hungry tiger behind the door, because my whole entire body screamed not to open it. My hand was now mere inches away from the door knob. Now having my hand on the door knob about to turn the handle when.... my body pulled it away.

What's wrong with me?

Was I honestly that afraid of what lied being this door?


A thousand times YES!!!!

I was scared and horrified by what lied behind this door.


I was to caught up in my pride to face my mom and tell her..

I know I probably sound like a little baby, but I did not want to say sorry. I didn't want to talk about the bruises and the big footprint on my neck, because that would only end up leading to me talking about Xavier. I don't want to go down that trail of tears right now. So I looked in the mirror one last time pulled down my weird wanna be bikini top into a normal tank top. Put back on my long sleeved plaid shirt from where I hanged it on the hook of the door. Took my hair out of it weird alien ponytail, tried to take off as much dirt from my jeans as I could and at least tried to make myself took a bit decent. Finally I took some deep breaths to calm myself down and get me ready for the whirl wind that lies ahead being the door. So I gripped the knob one final time and twisted it. And out I went into the whirl wind...

I took a deep breath.

Here I am out in the whirl winds I look both ways, which was actually just left because the restroom was located at the tail of the jet plane. I took one last deep breath and walked back to my seat. I sat down at the same spot near the window, I don't know where my mom was but right now I just wanted to go back to sleep, and not deal with her right now, however I knew what would happen to me if I did and I didn't want to go back to sleep and I don't plan to. I began to rub my neck which now had a thick and deep scar which reminded me what would happen if I did go back to sleep but all that did was bring a cold chill down my spine. Why me? Why was I having to endure such excruciating pain by a man I had never even met before? Why?

"Well someone is finally out." my mom said rolling her eyes as she got out of the pilots cabin.

"Yeah I needed some freshing up like I told you." I said smiling hoping it would make the conversation less tense but it didn't, there was awkward silence after my remark.

I really messed up didn't I?

Yeah I did.

Those two words were stuck in my throat choking me, demanding to be heard. Finally I broke the silence that came back again.

"" I said quietly but seemed more like a whisper.

"Yes Sweety." my mother replied looking at me with her worried eyes her voice was so calm and at ease I missed that tone or calmness she had ,because of the way I had spoken to her I had heard the complete opposite. Again there was silence and then I broke it once more finally forgetting about my pride and every other obstacle that lied between.

"Mom I'm sorry. It's just that these last couple of hours have been kinda crazy for me... sorry about the way I was back, I think all the pressure finally got to me mom." I said as my eyes were watery and every ounce of my body I tried hold back the tears but...

"What if everything I do makes Nostalgia really fall to ruins? What if no one likes me and follows the laws I make? What if I don't make a good ruler mom?" I said softly trying to hold back my tears, but it only made it worse and the rain started to pouring.

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