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Jay's POV

Its the last day of summer and school is tomorrow yay *note the sarcasm* I would be nervous but I have nothing to be nervous about the only thing I say is horrible is the mornings the fake ass cheerleaders and those fake ass friends but I guess that's it

"Jay can you open up" Lucy asked I just grab my sketch pad from my nightstand then carefully crawl out my window onto the roof and sit there looking around I start drawing what I see in pencil to make it look gray and gloomy then I smeared it in so it looks  distant and broken with shadows everywhere I then crawl back through my window and close my sketch book and put it on my desk I limp out of my room just to bump into Lucy knocking her over but I caught her before she could fall to the ground I made sure she had her balanced and then I went downstairs slowly and saw they were playing modern warfare 3 (mw3)

"Hey Jay how's your leg feeling and where are your crutches" Uncle Tony asked I smiled and shook my head

"Hurts like hell but I'm staying strong" I replied then they paused the game when they all noticed me the gave me these looks that I hated the 'I'm so sorry this happened to you' you see what happened was remember when that car hit my knee well sense the hospital didn't see that when they were working on my leg when I was shot so when I was released I went back to normal things and the more I started the more my knee started to give out then one morning my leg knee gave out completely and they rush me to the hospital and they wrapped my knee up and gave me crutches

"Who's ready to lose " I said and limped over to them I took a seat next Uncle Jamie and Luke sat on the floor in front of me  everyone goes back to playing the game

"Lucy can you bring Jay her crutches please" Uncle Mike yelled he knew me and her weren't on good terms

"I don't need them"I said looking around the room I don't see my dad

"Anyone seen my dad " I asked uncle vic pointed to the note on the counter I get up slowly and on cue Lucy walks in with my crutches and push them to me almost knocking me over

"You can't be mad you were the one who was fucking every person on the street so don't be mad just because I won't forgive you for being a slut" I said continued limping to get the note

"You cheated first I was getting back at you"she said I stopped and turned around

"When have I ever left by myself without someone coming along with me I never once even looked at a girl or made a comment or when they try to give me there numbers put it in my pocket I always give it back so don't you lie to yourself and say that I cheated first even when I found out I didn't even go and sleep with anyone just to get back at you I'm not like that"I said and used my crutches the rest of the way the get the note but then the door opened and my dad walked in swaying and laughing with a girl by his side with her hands under his shirt by this time everyone poked their heads out of the living room to see

"Dad upstairs now Uncle Vic help him up the stairs I'll be there in a minute"I said showing clearly I was angry Uncle Vic quickly help my dad up the stairs

"As for you leave now " I said clearly not in the mood to deal with slutty bitches

"Yeah aren't you like 12 excuse me but your dad and I were about to do some adults things

"I'm 14 thanks and sorry but I don't think my dad wants HIV so leave or your going to get your ass kicked and guess by who times up me" I said my eyes turning red I could feel them it was weird but I was use to it

"let's go then little girl " she said I laughed and shook my head

"I have to warn you I don't play fair" I said and smiled

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