What The Fuck

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We got to Tony's house and Luke was still sleep in the back Ricky said he would get him I nodded and smile before I got out the car I check my bandages to make sure no blood was coming out once I was sure they were good I got out the car with my bag

"JWAY JWAY HWELP NO JWAY WAKE WUP" I hear Luke screaming I quickly run inside and see Tony with him whisper some soothing words

"What happen" I said Luke looked up and ran to me and hugged my legs" I bent down and he wrapped his little arms around my neck and cried I rubbed his back

"I thought you died" he whispers in my ear I hugged him tightly but not that tight to hurt him

"I wouldn't leave you like that" I said and kissed his head he nodded and went back over to Tony

"Mwy nwame is Luke what yours"he says and sits in his lap I smile because his sentence did not make a lot of sense

"Well hi Luke my name is Tony" Tony says back I go find Ricky and he's on the phone I listen in on the conversation

*******Phone Convo*******

Ricky: Dude I can't tell you that she will never forgive me

Andy:please Ricky everyone said they didn't see her its either you or Tony I can't lose her again Ricky you know how broken I was

Ricky:I know you stayed in her room most of the time and Jasmine had to talk you into coming down and CC went to her favorite place the roof he would stay up there for hours days even and just cry and eat ice cream and cookies because that's what the JRB kit had in it (JRB stands for Jayden Rosemary Biersack)

Andy:and Jinxx didn't come out of his house for weeks until we had a 1 month tour no one talk on the tour bus Jake didn't even answer his phone or his Skype calls from Ella and Ashley didn't go out just got shit faced inside the bus and then cried about her that can't happen again please

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