My Last Few Days

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I was awoken by my papa shaking me hard I thought my shoulders were going to break

"Did u pack your shit like I told you" my papa said to me I was took back on how he was talking to me so I nodded

"Yeah I did" I said to him he then walked away and slam the door and I flinched at the loud nosie

I ran to my closet and put on a Black Veil Brides long sleeve shirt and some black skinny jeans that fit just right and put my black converse on

I ran down stairs to see my nana and papa in the dining room and eating I went and sat at the table waited for my food

once I got it I dug in I'm leaving tomorrow morning so I get to move from Texas to San Diego or somewhere if I find my dad

Once I finished I carried my glass plate to the sink but it slipped out of my hand and I broke it oops

my nana and papa ran in and papa grabbed me by my hair and I screamed out in pain

"I am so fucking sick of you" my papa yelled he pushed my head against the wall like my mommy use to do and slapped, kicked, and punched me in the face

Then he stopped and left for a minute to make a call I guess and when he came back I tried to get up but he put his foot on my back

He told me that Amy and Chris are coming early so they will be here around 5 cause they got an early flight

*****skipping to 5 o'clock*****

There was a knock on the door and my nana went to get it while she was getting the door

papa told me to tell them I fell of my penny board that I tried to ride and scraped my face

I nodded not wanting to talk to him anymore so when Chris and Amy come in they look at me instantly a worried look comes to their faces

"What happened to your face sweetheart" Amy asks and I look over to my nana and papa and see papa glaring at me

"I was riding a penny board my friend down the street let me borrow and I fell and scraped my face" she looked right into my eyes and she knew I was lying then she looked over to nana and papa

"Well we better get going so we don't miss our flight back ok jay where's your stuff?" Chris said/ask and I lead him to my room

He carried all of my bags and put them in the car then he got my booster seat sense I'm taller than I'm suppose to be I don't know why because mommy was short

"Hey Jay I like your shirt do u like that band" Chris said to me I look down and notice I was still wearing my black veil brides long sleeve shirt

"I like them a lot my favorite song by them is Lost It All because it reminds me of when my mommy left and how I never knew my daddy" I said and smile so big I thought my cheeks was going to break

"Who's your favorite and who's your least favorite and if u know who's your mommy's favorite and least favorite"Amy asked me and I thought for a minute

"I like Andy because he likes batman and I love batman and my mommy says I look exactly like him and my least favorite is I don't have a least favorite" I said and giggled

I look out the window for a second the looks back and see Amy smiling at me she waves and I wave back

"What about your mommy" Chris says I think back to what she said to me for a minute or 2

"My mommy's favorite was Andy she says something happened now he's her least favorite and she said cc is her favorite but I don't know anymore" I said my smile fading and I just started staring out the window

"Oh do u know why cc was her favorite" Amy asked me I nodded my head and looked at them both

"She said he's easy to talk to that if she needed anything that she would go to cc she said that if she ever left me in the world open a box and from what I know she hasn't left yet" I said staring back out the window giggling at the car next to us

"What does the box have anything to do with why cc is her favorite" Amy asked smiling at me because I was making faces to the big kids in the next car and they were making faces at me

"She said that what's in the box has the real reason why she knows this about cc and why Andy was her favorite and now her least favorite and- I was cut off by Amy's phone ringing

"Hello.....yeah......she's not sleep.....ok one sec" she said handing me the phone I smiled at her as a thank u

*****skipping the phone *****

Bye the end of the phone conversation I was crying and Amy had gotten in the back seat to comfort me

"Honey are u going to tell us what that was about" Chris asked and I nodded and we were 20 minutes away from the airport I had time

"My nana and papa want to give me to my real dad she said that my mom died of an overdose and that my dads name is something like Andrew or Andy and I can't really get the last name

Amy and Chris gasped and I jumped a little because it was so sudden then Amy hugged me then kissed my cheek then we were at the airport

* hey what's up this is my first ever story and I want to make it awesome thanks for reading my story there's more to come*

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