The New

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Everyone gasped and I rolled my eyes she took out her contacts and showed those dark dull green eyes

"Well done slut you can point out a good mother" she said with a wicked grin that she use to do when she would finish beating

"Thanks but unlike you I didn't lose my gave it away to frank" I said clear madness dripping from my voice she just stares at me

"Now everyone follow my orders everyone out Ashley get a wheel chair" I say ashley ran to get a wheel chair when he cam back they put Oli in it "and don't try to get help unless you hear Sarah's scream ok" I say still staring at her she's as dumb as a feather I have my knife with me mine and andy's eyes lock he knows what's going to happen I nodded and he did to before leaving

"Bitch if you think your going to kick my ass you must plain to fail" she said getting in my face which makes me more mad she sees this and slaps me and I stabbed her it cut some of her in sides because it was a machete blade mr.washington made for me he was the neighbor that taught me how to fight use blades shoot guns and crack necks its actually fun

I wiped the blade after I took it out of her body and put it in my pocket "Hands up don't move" the police said bursting into the room I smirked and put my hands I Jayden Rosemary Biersack has officially gone insane they put in hand cuffs without saying my rights to speed this up I kicked the officer in the nuts and laughed they put me in hand cuffs still not saying my rights I kicked the other on in the face and fell on the ground laughing Andy is looking really mad I stop and let them put me in the car and I winked at Andy he shook his head in disappointment

"That's your dad" the one in the passenger seat said I nodded and he chuckled under his breath

"Why are you laughing sir" I asked getting angry he looked over at andy again laughed harder the other guy in the driver seat looks over at him and glared

"I'm sorry he's a joke he's emo dude he probably cuts himself" the passenger said me and the guy in the driver seat were getting angry we pulled over and the guy in the driver seat smashed the guy in the passenger seat head on the window it cracked and we went back on to the road

"Hey what's your name kid" He asked I smiled at him and he smiled back

"Jayden but you can call me Jay or Jayden doesn't really matter what's yours"I say he smiles at me and he looks over at the guy in the passenger seat

"Well Jayden or Jay my name is Josh and the prick in the passenger seat is Dereck" he says I know him and we arrived at the police station

"You seem trust worthy give me my handcuffs" he said I laugh and gave them to him I happen to know Josh and he knows me I give him his cuffs and we walk in

"Sorry about your face didn't recognized you from you new hair dye and you both didn't read me my rights so I took it to my advantage" I said laughing at the end he face palm and said I was free to go

"Wait why did you stab her" he asked he looked straight in my eyes

"She is the women that gave birth to me she is the women that gave away my virginity to a guy she didn't know for 2000 dollars she faked her death and then show up all of a sudden she is the reason why I'll never have kids Josh you remember she hated me" I say my anger rising I feel a hand on my back I turn around fast and oli stands there with a scared look my anger vanish and I smile he relaxed and I jump on him and hug him I'm so glad he's ok

"Oli your ok holy shit your ok I'm so sorry" I say and start crying in his shoulder I can't believe I said that to him

"Jay it's ok I'm ok" he said I don't understand he should be angry

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