Telling The Past

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Ashley's POV

I sat there listening to Jays life story and I had tears threatening to spill when she got the part where she turned 3 and her mother just let her boyfriend touch her in no no places as she said I couldn't hold back and I let my tears fall wow her mother was a stupid bitch

I was lost in thought until I suddenly think we are all crying but she's not "Jay?" I ask her "yeas Ashy-poo" she replys

"We all are in tears but this is your story your reliving it why aren't you crying" I ask

Jay's POV

Ash asked me why I wasn't crying and I really didn't have an answer for that "well its my past there's nothing I can do now it was a flashback when I told you but I don't have a time machine I can't go back and change I don't move backward I move forward" I replyed and I like what my brain came up with

"Wow you have a way with words" Andy said "thanks"

"WAIT" CC yelled making me jump and scoot away "oh I'm sorry Jay I just realized what you said" CC told me I relaxed and crawled to An- I mean dad now I guess and crawled in his lap

"Did you say Andy is your father" CC asked me I nodded and CC did a happy dance and I giggled

"Jake where's my 50 dollars" CC said to Jake I look confused "you 2 made a bet on who has a kid first" I asked they nodded and I high fived CC but wait why would just guess Andy

'CC knew about my mom being pregnant with me and didn't tell Andy because he super secret swore he wouldn't tell her' I thought "I didn't know" CC said

'Wait did I say that out loud' I thought "yes yes you did' Ashley said 'ok I gotta stop doing that' "yeah you really do" Jinxx said

"CC super secret swear you didn't know about Sarah being pregnant" I demanded "I super secret s-sw-swe....... FINE I KNEW BUT I WASNT GOING TO TELL HIM BECAUSE SJE TOLD ME THAT HE BEATS HER AND SHE SHOWED ME BRUSES" CC yelled my face was red and anger fueled me

I felt a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off and faced Amy and Chris and walked to the hall way and started punching and kicking the wall no one stopped me so when I was done there where 22 holes on the lower part where I kicked and 36 holes where I punched

I walked back in the living room where I got looks and not like normal looks like 'what the fuck did you do look'

I felt at eased now so I could talk normal " Andy did you beat sarah" I asked Andy in a calm voice he shook his head fast "super secret swear you didn't beat Sarah" I demanded still in a calm voice "I super secret swear I didn't beat Sarah she was good at make-up remember she made it look like I was shot and made me look like I had a broken nose" Andy said to the guys and me but mostly so the guys could remember

They nodded "And remember mom and dad she did my make-up so it looked like I was a doll from marry-shaw" Andy pointed out Amy and Chris nodded he looked me in the eyes and I knew he wasn't lying

Well sorry its taking me so long to update and sorry this chapter was so short I'm kinda in the middle of moving to California so its taking me longer than I expected well that's all sorry bye

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