Handle It

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I had to play this smart.

I don't want him to hurt anyone anymore.

What happens in the future if I move in with CC?

He'll constantly be in danger because of me.

I can't let that happen.

I took out my phone and texted Jinxx.

N- Meet me around the corner, just you please.


I tucked my phone back into my pocket. Pacing around a bit I thought about this plan. What if something goes wrong? The police could show up in a hour. Or he could automatically kill me. Nah, he wouldn't do that. He likes to watch me suffer.

God I have to stop overthinking things. I turned around to pace the other way only to come face to chest with Jinxx.

"Hey you wanted to see me?"

"I've got a plan. I'm going to go into the stairwell, I know he'll be hiding in one of them. I want you to call the police and let them know Jonathan is here."

"Whoa no, just let the police go into the stair well."

I shook my head violently. "No! He won't come out. He'll know it isn't me so he won't show himself. Please Jinxx! I need this! Please?"

He sighed heavily. "Nala, promise me you'll be safe doing this."

"As safe as I can be."

He nodded. "Then I'll help." He took his phone out his pocket and dialed the San Diego police department. After speaking to the police and being assured they are on their way he sent Alex and Jake a text.

J- Nala and I are getting the police here to arrest Jonathan. DONT TELL ANYONE.

Jake- he's here? and okay

Jinxx- Yeah, Nala knows where he is.

Alex- Let me know if you need me to come.

Jinxx- Alright.

Jake - Okay.

I looked over to Jinxx. "Stay by the door, he's a floor down. Don't come down unless I scream your name okay?"

He nodded. "Thanks Jeremy." I hugged him and then scurried into the stair well.

Walking down the stairs I started shaking. I know what could happen to me if the police take to long. I know the dangers.

"Ah, dearest lioness. What're you doing in the stairwell allllllll alone? Have you come to play?" I shivered at Jonathan's close proximity. He chuckled evilly. "Oh hunny! You're shaking with excitement." he grabbed my arm and stepped towards me. "Nala? Baby why aren't you talking to me?" he questioned. I remained silent. I plan on pissing him off. "Nala!" he began yelling at me. "Answer me you stupid bitch." he pushed me into the wall.

"Dearest Lioness? Come to play? Hunny? Shaking with Excitement? No. Never. I came to do this." I kicked him where it counts and moved around him. "You shot one of my closest friends! That man is like a brother to me! They take care of me! They treat me like I'm family. Not to mention you shot my boyfriend! I love that man! He's perfect in so many ways! I almost lost the light in my life because you're a selfish dickwad! So fuck you. I hope the men in prison rape you like you did me.  I hope you drop the fucking soap and they ram themselves up your ass and have you begging to stop like I screamed all those years!" I was crying by this point.

"I hope you burn in hell." I whispered as the police came running down the stairs. One officer escorted me back up the stairs to Jinxx and then to Christian's room.

"Nala? Baby what's wrong?!" CC cried out and tried climbing out of bed. Andy and Jake pushed him back down.

"I'm fine Christian." I moved to lay next to him in bed. "We're all fine, Jonathan is finally gone." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He pulled me close as the officer questioned me and then proceeded out of the door to escort Jonathan to his new home for attempted murder.


Looks like Nala finally had her break down!

And she went off! She's so kick ass now! lmao jk never. or maybe... I dunno :P lol
- Syko wuz hurr.....

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