A Date with Sir Coma

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After the show we all ended up at In N' Out. The guys were being a bit rowdy and CC couldn't hear me talking over them, so we ended up outside at our own table.

"So Nala, are you a fan of the band?"

"After tonight? Yeah definitely! You guys rocked!"

"Wait, you've never heard of us?"

"I mean, I have heard of you guys, but not many songs."

"Well, good to know, I'd love to hang out with you more, it'd be kind of difficult if you didn't enjoy our show." We both gave a quiet chuckle.

"Actually CC. Earlier inside, I was trying to say thank you. No one has ever come to my defense when it comes to him, besides my mother. Granted no one had the chance to but... It really means a lot to me, so, Thank You." I took in a long breath after the little ramble and shifted my focus back to my animal style fries.

"Nala, any one of us, my band and the All Time Low guys, we all will come to your defense when it comes to him. Especially after having him working on our payroll. That shit really pissed me off. How could he leave to beat on you and then come back as if nothing had ever happened? He never even mentioned he had a kid! You don't have to thank me, I would do it again and again if it meant I got to kick his ass again." He lifted my head back up with his finger and smiled. "I'm sorry, I got a little carried away there, but seriously, you don't have to thank us for doing the right thing. And keep your head up beautiful, I like to see you smile."

I shook my head laughing and blushing. This man is a damn flirt and I don't know how to deal with it.

"Nala! CC! Come on guys it's time to head out!" I looked over to find Alex waving us over from the door way. As I was gathering my trash, CC reached out to stop me and grab the trash from me.

"Hey before we go, are you coming on tour with your brothers?"

I was taken aback, shocked, standing there with my mouth slightly open.

He couldn't be serious.

All Time Low aren't going on tour... Without telling me?

Rebel Love Story ( A Christian Coma fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz