I bit my lip, hoping Marco didn't know that that is exactly what Grant had tried to do. That sitting less than ten feet from us now was a stack of files he had given me detailing some of the most horrific crimes Grant was trying to connect Luca to.

"You know you're really invading my creative space here, do you think you could go out front for a little while?" 

"Is that how you got rid of Reggie?" Marco teased.

I smirked and turned my attention back to the canvas. Just as I was about to start painting, there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Uh, Char, someone is here to see you. A detective..." Jenny peeked her head around the door frame, a confused expression on her face.

"A detective?" Marco and I both replied at once. 

"I'm Detective Cullen." A tall, clean shaven man said emerging from behind her. "We've met before, Ms. Parker. How are you?"

 "I'm fine, thanks." I answered cautiously. He was the detective who interviewed my right after the break in, but I barely remembered him.

"What are you doing here, Cullen?" Marco growled, moving in front of me slightly like a shield. 

"Marco, nice to see you as well." Cullen grinned evilly. "I'm here to speak with Charlotte about a personal matter. Would you give us a few minutes?"'

"Over my dead body." Marco scoffed, livid that this guy was here. 

"Marco, it's okay..." I tried to calm him down, setting my hand lightly on his elbow. "What is this all about, detective?"

"The paintings that were stolen a few months ago. We've made some progress and I'd like to talk to you about it." Detective Cullen said, turning his attention to me.

"You can do that with me here." Marco crossed his arms over his chest, flexing his biceps. Detective Cullen wouldn't stand a chance if Marco decided he wanted to rip him in half.

"Actually, I can't. Ms. Parker is a suspect in an insurance fraud scam so only her lawyer can be present during questioning." A cocky smile spread across his face.

"What?" A suspect? Insurance fraud? What was he talking about?

"You've got to be kidding." Marco threw his arms up dramatically.

"I'm afraid so. Ms. Parker, I'm here as a favor to a friend of mine--I believe you know him. Grant Fallon?" I swallowed the growing lump in my throat at the mention of Grants name. "It's urgent that I speak to you about this."

"Like hell you are!" Marco said stepping towards him. They were nose to nose, but Marco knew better than to make contact with him. My mind was spinning, still trying to make sense of this. What was going on?

"Marco, I'm advising you to back up." Detective Cullen ordered.

"And I'm advising you to get the fuck out of here. She doesn't have anything to say." Marco growled. 

"Fine, you leave me no choice." He stepped out of Marco's way grabbing a pair of hand cuffs from his waistband. "Charlotte, I'm going to need you to come down to the station for questioning about your involvement in insurance fraud and accepting bribes."

"Are you serious?!" I shrieked as he grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. "There has to be some kind of mistake."

"Get your fucking hands off of her." Marco roared, shoving him off of me. Two other officers rushed in the room and restrained Marco, slapping a pair of cuffs on him as well. I looked around in a daze, as if I was watching all of this in a movie. Marco and I being carted out of my gallery in handcuffs. 

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