Chapter 21: It Has begun

Start from the beginning

A car is waiting for us which then takes us to the restaurant. The restaurant looks like a castle. The noise is a bit much, but I try to take it in and enjoy it. I do some videoing which helps me to focus some positive energy into something.
At the greeter, all Dominic seems to say is his name and he's immediately ushered in. Wow.
"You don't have to take this you know," says Kiera in a commanding tone. "Just relax. We're only eating. Something you're good at and I'm sure you'd like to enjoy."
Wow. She had to add that in. I say nothing. I'm going to make a habit of ignoring that kind of behavior.
Arturos, Wendy, Rodney, Iman, Zane, Rachel, Yamen, and two others are there. So we're a total of twelve. The other two people look Asian, a man and woman. They're all already in a vibrant and upbeat conversation. They greet Nick with loud vocal accolades. Art gives me a look but I can't read what it is. Food is already on the table. A server comes to take our order. I tense. She takes Dominic's first, then Kiera, then me.
"Hi, how may I serve you?"
"Hi!" I say with a sweet smile.
She smiles widely back at me and replies,
"Haha hi. Glad to see you're having fun."
"I am."
"That's awesome! People say they stay here for weeks and never get to finish all the activities. Is this your first time?" She asks, seemingly genuinely interested.
"Yes it is."
"Oh you're gonna love it."
"Thanks!" I respond.
I look at the menu and choose a salad. I'm going to be very careful with what I eat around these people and for myself. I feel more self conscious around them though.
"The Pacific Salad?" the server named Jessica asks.
"Yes please."
"Lacie come on. Enjoy yourself. Try one of the seafood dishes. You don't get to come here all the time," says Nick.
I smile.
"I'm not really hungry," I reply, meaning it.
I'm not. I mean, I was, but sitting here feeling like I'm being judged for even having food close to me makes me lose my appetite.
"You're gonna end up stuffing your face later anyway while we're not looking," chimes in Kiera.
"Kiera shut up," Nick says coming to my defense.
This toughens my resolve.
"A salad is what I want thank you so much Jessica and a pina colada."
"Sure thing. I'll have your orders out very soon guys," she says with a smile to us newcomers.
"Thanks Jessica," I say.
My food had come a few minutes ago and I choose to take out the camera, rest it on the table, and capture our discussion.
Everyone mostly talks about what they've done so far and what they want to do. Dominic refocuses the conversation into places that they could hit and people they can talk to. I now know why the two Asian people are sitting with us. They came South Korea with next to nothing and now own multiple successful businesses. Their story is very interesting as well as how they met. Apparently they're married and happily so.
We're supposed to take a tour of all their businesses in the area. They tell us how each of them have a tale and I'm captivated by their storytelling prowess.
Most of the time I sit at the table quiet, so happy to be invisible while the garrulous crew go over what they need to. This is something I love about being the videographer and journalist. Blog writer? I guess is what I am. I got a text on my phone and when I check it, thinking it's Sandy, I see a text from Arturos.

Art: you don't look like you're having fun

Me: i'm in work mode .I'm not here to have fun 🙄

Art: you're allowed to have a little bit of fun you know.

Me: you're not the one that undergoes the daily threat of being fired.

Art: i'm not saying you shouldn't work I'm just saying that you don't have to be dismal about it.

Me: easy for you to say with your chiseled jaw line and stable position in the company 😑

Art: I can be fired just as easily as you can Lacie. I don't let work hang over my head like a foreboding cloud.

Me: Wendy is staring at you

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