Chapter 6 : The Second Meeting

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I pull up to Jayden's house and am actually amazed at where he lives. Because of the way he behaves, I embarrassingly thought he lived in the slums. Shame on me. His house is a cute red brick two family home.

"Not bad Jayden," I say.

"Yeah. It's my mom's."

"You're staying here now?"

"Well," he continues as he gets out and closes the door. "She never turns me away. Aye, good luck with everything aight?"

"You too."

"See ya Lacie! Friend me on Facebook though."

"Alright! I'll find ya!" I yell as I drive off.

Onyx 'put puts' as I accelerate. Oh dear. I have the sickening feeling this car will give out any day now. I'm not over the moon about that. It's not like I have money stored away to fix her.

As I'm driving, I talk into my phone and say, "Dial, Mommy."

My phone replies with a ping and a, "Dialing Laura Morgan", in a chummy robotic titter.

"Hey mommy!" I say in a high voice.

It feels good to hear her voice. I tell her of the situation with Computer Diesel and the potential new job. She encourages me. My mom isn't perfect but she's still my mother and the one I can always go to about anything. She lets me know that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

As I lay in my bed that night, I recall the Ephesians 3:20 scripture my mom recited to me. God really is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could every ask or think of. His power works in me. I rest my hand on my belly. Ugh, my stupid hippo belly. I mean, it's not as bad as Sandy's but really. I use to look down and be able to see my feet. Now I see my toes peaking as if they are the tips of their very own iceberg. I might as well sleep. I have no idea what's in store for me.


Well, it's official. No more Computer Diesel. After today's shift, Victor told Sandy and me not to come back. Not like we wanted to anyway. I had already broken ties with that sad place. I now try to look at it in a bright light- as if the great God has something better on the horizon for me. You know? Everything happens for a reason and all that jazz.

Sandy and I had just come from the mall to buy a few things and window shop. Since we drove my car I had to drop her off first, but I wanted to come inside to chill for a bit and say hi to her dad.

I walk in and rest my bags down to go say hi to Mr. Terrel who is sitting in his TV chair. He's a handsome black man at age 58.

"Hi Mr. Terrel!" I say giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He turns around and says, "Oh Lacie. Long time no see. I heard about the job. Sorry about that hun."

"It's all good Uncle Tyrone," I reply.

"Stop calling him Uncle. This isn't Jamaica," snips Sandy.

"Sorry!" I say as I get my shopping bags to head to her room. "Culture is hard to kill you know."

Mr. Tyrone Terrel's wife and he separated many years ago and she remarried to some other dude in Canada. They live there now with their new children. She would still call and text Sandy, but I had a feeling she didn't mind not having Sandy in her life. Sandy's mother is a fair blonde woman who did not get the approval from her family to marry a dark skinned male.

I guess the pressure from the family finally broke through. Poor Sandy. Her grandparents treated her nice enough but basically was against her moving in with them when Mrs. Terrel left Mr. Terrel. They "claimed" it would be better for the "girl to stay with her father because they understand each other"- as if Sandy and her father were a different species.
I had told her it was for the better any way. People like that would have poisoned her mind. Her grandparents are well to do with finances and would not give Sandy a cent. For shame. I don't envy her one bit. She's beautiful. I for one, think her weight looks gorgeous on her with her full cheeks and high cheekbones and poofy, frizzy brown and blondish hair.

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