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Notes: IT IS DONE!!! Thank you all for staying with us through this, even when we didn't update for weeks at a time. Writing this was quite the adventure, but we are very relieved to be finished. We also have a few new ideas that we are working on, so keep an eye out! These are the epilogues, they follow the basic plot of what happened in the fantastic beasts movie, but with a few key changes ;) Enjoy!



3 Months Later

It's been three months since Newt and I found Saja, and I can hardly believe everything that's happened. Newt and I have spent many nights together, talking and learning about each other. I love Newt so much, and Saja. She called me Mama the other day for the first time, and I didn't let her go for the rest of the day.

Newt and I have been trying to learn Sudanese, while also teaching Saja English so that the three of us can communicate without a translator spell. Mama and papa were two of the first words she learned, so she started using them to refer to me and Newt. Although, Newt pouted most of the day because Saja called me Mama before she called him Papa.

Saja gets along wonderfully with the creatures so far, which is good because we have to feed all of them while Newt is outside the case. We're travelling to New York City and then to Arizona to bring Frank home, even though we'll all be sad to see him go. Newt has to be outside the case to put us on a boat, so we've seen very little of him the past few days.

"Mama!" Saja calls, and comes running over to me as I'm trying to get the erumpent to eat. (Newt says she's a picky eater, I think she just refuses to eat in order to spite me.)

"Mama look!" Saja says again, and holds up Niffler for me to see, beaming with pride. I turn to look, and the poor creature has a makeshift crown woven from leaves and twigs sitting on his head.

"Lovely. Did Pickett help you make that?" I ask her, grinning with amusement.

"Yes." She tells me, cuddling Niffler to her chest. Pickett is sitting on her shoulder, looking decidedly smug.

"Hmm. Be nice to Niffler, okay?" I warn, knowing how unpleasant he can be when he's unhappy. Saja nods seriously.

"I will, Mama." She promises.

"Did you feed the occamies?" I ask.

"Yes." Saja says. Then I notice something shifting across her shoulders, and one of the occamies pokes its head out from underneath her hair. The creature's dark purple scales blend easily into Saja's black hair, but now that I notice it I can see it's draped around her neck like a scarf.

"How many creatures are you carrying?" I laugh. Saja just grins at me and runs off. She and Newt are so much alike it surprised me sometimes. I walk over to Frank, and gently stroke his head, waiting for Newt to return.

A Siren, a Wizard, and a Baker, Oh My !

Where on earth is he? He should have come back down by now, and I am very worried because several of the creatures have gone missing. I walk over to the ladder, and just as I am about to climb up, the top opens and Newt descends.

"Where have you been? Saja and I were getting worried." I say, as he pulls me into a hug.

"Sorry love, but some of the creatures got free and I've been chasing them down," He says, looking a little annoyed.

I am about to reply, when a loud crash comes from behind us. I whirl around and there, sitting at the end of the ladder, is a man I have never seen before. I turn to Newt with a raised brow, and he grins sheepishly.

The Forgotten and the Clumsy but Caring WizardWhere stories live. Discover now