Chapter 16

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Notes: Hello friends! Guess what! We have a new chapter already! It's amazing, I know. We're almost done with the story now, Lily and I have determined there will be about two more chapters, plus the epilogues. Thanks for sticking with us! Enjoy :)

Chapter Sixteen


I barely leave the pond for three days. Newt comes by here and there to make sure I have food, but he seems to be very distracted, rushing back and forth to care for his creatures, before leaving the suitcase again. He hasn't told me much, only that we're travelling again. Looking for something, probably another creature. I hear him mutter to himself occasionally, something about obtuses, or obscures, or obstacles? Something like that.

He won't tell me what it is, or where we're going, only that he might need my help. I suppose that means we aren't going to America just yet. A part of me is relieved, though I don't know exactly why. Still, it is a testament to how broken our friendship is that he refuses to tell me anything.

I'm swimming around in circles, nursing my irritation at Newt for keeping me in the dark, when all of a sudden, he comes rushing over to my pond, almost falling in when he stumbles to a stop.

"Kai! Need you to come with me!" He pants, his hair a wild mess and his face flushed with exertion.

"What's going on?! Newt, what's happening?" I ask, alarmed.

"Just! No time! Come on!" He urges, and rushes back to the workshop. I curse and clamber out of the water after him.

"Newt! Wait!" I struggle to get out of the water, and glare at his receding back. "Newt!"

"Oh! Sorry!" He turns around and runs back over to help me. I roll my eyes.

"What. Is. Happening?" I demand.

"I told you! It's an Obscurus!" Newt says, looking very distressed. I sigh and grab on to his arm to make him calm down for a moment.

"Newt, you didn't explain anything. I don't know where we are, or what we are doing. And what the hell is an Obscurus?" I ask, with rather admirable patience.

"I—I thought I told you?" Newt looks genuinely surprised. "Or maybe that was niffler..." He mutters.

"Newt. Explain, please."

"Oh, right. We're in Sudan. Before I left, Clarisse gave me a note she received from a friend of hers. It said there's an Obscurus somewhere in this village that's been killing people, and she asked me to help."

"Can you? What's an Obscurus? Is it a creature?" I ask.

"No, it is something much more dangerous than any creature I have ever come across. See, before wizards went underground, when they were still hunted by muggles, young witches and wizards sometimes suppressed their magic to avoid persecution. Instead of learning to control their powers, they developed what's called an Obscurus. It's a powerful, uncontrollable dark force that busts out and attacks, and then vanishes."

"That's awful. How do you get rid of them?" I ask.

"You can't." Newt says quietly. "Obscurus' only develop in young children. It eats away at their life force, and it doesn't stop until the host dies."

"How long can they survive?" I ask, gravely.

"There's never been a documented case of one living past the age of ten." He says, and I can see him blink back tears. Those poor children, how could something so horrible happen to them? They don't deserve that. I reach out to comfort him, but then think better of it and retract my hand.

The Forgotten and the Clumsy but Caring WizardWhere stories live. Discover now