Chapter 11

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Notes: Hello everybody! We're back, after a mini-hiatus. Thank you once again for your patience and understanding. We really appreciate the kind comments you left as well. Hope you like the new chapter! \(^O^)/

Chapter Eleven


"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander!" One of the witches announces loudly with a distinct American accent, and marches over to wrap Newt in a tight hug.

"Ah, nice to see you too Clarisse." Newt says, looking mildly alarmed at having his arms pinned to his sides.

"We haven't seen you in ages! Who've you brought with you!" Clarisse asks, turning suddenly to stare at me. I involuntarily take a step back from the witch. She's not very tall, a bit shorter than me, and her long iron gray hair is pulled back into a simple braid, but she had sharp brown eyes that seem to pierce my skin.

"This is Kaimana, she my... er, my friend." Newt replies, tripping over his words a bit. Normally I'd be more upset about the "friend" comment, but at the moment I'm too focused on all the wizards staring at me to properly care.

Clarisse, thankfully, looks away from me to address Newt.

"Really. Your friend." She says dryly, and the tips of Newt's ears turn pink. He's saved from answering when another witch steps into the conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Kaimana." The woman says, and places a calming hand on Clarisse's arm. "I am Nicola, welcome to our shop." She says, with a gentle smile.

Nicola is a willowy witch, with long waves of brown hair that fall past her waist. Her dark brown eyes are warm, and her friendly voice put me instantly at ease.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you too." I say, and shake her hand.

Nicola smiles and pulls out a seat for us. I look at Newt, who blushes and sits down. I smirk and plop down into his lap. I feel him freeze up, and the others at the table laugh a little.

"She's feisty." Clarisse says, and I grin at her.

"Yes." Newt mutters, and wraps an arm around my waist. Behind us, Alexios snorts and pulls up a chair as well.

"What do you expect from a siren?" He says, but his tone is light and teasing.

Immediately, the other wizard who has yet to be introduced looks up from the card game and studies me with a critical eye.

"Are you really?" He asks, and I try not to shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny. Newt pulls me tight against him and rests his chin on my shoulder, no doubt attempting to calm me down.

"Yes." I reply, and his eyes light up with curiosity. The man opens his mouth to ask me something, but Nicola cuts him off.

"This is Dr. Rane, he's our resident potion's master. He studies the potential uses for various ingredients from magical creatures." She explains.

"What do you do?" I ask, interested to know more about these strange wizards.

"I'm a herbologist." Nicola says, with a wry smile.

"What about you?" I ask Clarisse.

"Hmmm. You could say I'm an archeologist. I study ancient magical relics." She answers, and that would definitely explain the shelves full of random objects that we walked past earlier.

"That is very interesting. I was always curious about magical relics before I was imprisoned, but after I was saved I was so busy with Newt and the other creatures I forgot I had that interest." I say, and she grins.

The Forgotten and the Clumsy but Caring WizardWhere stories live. Discover now