Chapter 14

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Notes: Hey guys, sorry for the late update, end of the semester is getting crazy. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy!

Chapter Fourteen


As I sing the smuggler brings his wand up to his head, a blank look in his eyes and a blissful smile in his face. Distantly I hear someone shout my name, but I don't acknowledge them.

The smuggler's wand touches his temple, and he murmurs one of the few spells I know.

"Obliviate." There is a small burst of white light and the man collapses.

I don't stop singing, but I do pause to admire my work before moving on to the next wizard.

"Kai, stop!" Reluctantly, I turn towards the voice and see Newt watching me with horror. Why is he giving me that look? I'm doing this to save him. Does he not see that I'm saving all of us? They can't hurt me, or any other creature again. I glare at him, and he flinches.

I stop singing for a moment, and Newt slumps in relief. His voice is thin and his eyes are glassy as he tries to shake off the enchantment enough to talk to me.

"Kai don't do this. Please, please, if you do this you can't undo it. Please. Don't become a monster." He pleads, and I tilt my head.

Monster!? I am not the monster here, they are. These wizards... they're the ones torturing innocent creatures. How can he defend them? How can he place these cruel wizard's safety above the safety of the beasts he claims to love?

"Kai. You don't need to hurt them. Just put them to sleep and we'll collect the creatures and get out of here. Okay?" Newt asks desperately.

"And let them go free? So they can capture more beasts and hurt them? No. I won't let that happen." I growl, and open my mouth to sing again.

"KAI PLEASE!" Newt screams, clutching the bars of his cage tightly, tears streaking down his face. "This isn't you! Kai, you would never hurt anyone, I know you wouldn't! This isn't you, you're a good person, Kai!" He insists.

I give him a cold smile.

"That's where you're wrong, Newt. I'm not a person. I'm a siren."

I turn away from Newt, back to the other wizards who are just coming out of their dazes, and I hum a low melody. Simultaneously, the smugglers pull out their wands and hold them up to their heads.

"Obliviate." The spell rises through the air, as it is cast dozens of times. There's flashes of white light, and then there's intense pain and the world goes dark.


When I wake up I'm no longer at the warehouse. I'm strapped to a chair, gagged, and sitting in what seems to be the backroom of Alexios' shop. What happened? Where's Newt, and why am I tied to this chair? I look up and see Clarisse sitting at a corner table flipping through some old books.

"Mmm!" I try talking to her, but I can't because of the gag. Why am I even gagged? Clarisse looks at me, and stands up.

"Finally awake I see." She says, watching me with distrust. I frown and try to look at around. Where is Newt?

Clarisse must notice, because she gestures to the door.

"Newt is taking care of the creatures. The thunderbird is causing a bit of a trouble. I will go get him," She walks out of the door, and I am left alone.

I don't understand, why am I being treated like this? I thought they liked me. Why would Newt let them treat me like this?

A few minutes later Alexios opens the door and steps into the room. I sit up straighter and try to catch his eye to figure out what's going on, but he keeps his gaze firmly on the ground as he takes Clarisse's now unoccupied seat.

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