Chapter 6

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Notes: Hey everybody! Sorry for the delay! Life, you know? Unfortunately, since school started up again we might not be updating as consistently. Really sorry about this, but don't worry, we will finish the story eventually. Enjoy :)

Chapter Six

Kaimana POV

"Good morning, Kai!" Newt greets me in his typical sunshiny way. I pout and swim lazily over to meet him. "Awww, don't be like that. It's a lovely day!" He beams at me. "Here, I brought you your voice potion." He hands me a glass of the foul liquid. I make a disgusted face and Newt chuckles at me. "Come on, you won't get better if you don't drink it." He tells me. I've been taking the potion for three days now, and there hasn't been much improvement on my voice. I'm able to make soft humming noises, but I have yet to attempt to actually speak. Newt keeps telling me to be patient, but it's difficult, and unbelievably frustrating. I quickly chug down the potion, grimacing as I do. "Haha, I know it's bad but if I tried to make it taste better it wouldn't help you anymore."

I frown and hum a little, rubbing my throat. "Does it feel any different?" He asks, and I make a so-so sign with my hand. "I'm sure it will be back to normal soon. Now, I have a very important question for you." He says, suddenly serious. I look at him, and tilt my head curiously. "How would you like to leave the suitcase and help me look for magical creatures in the area?" I immediately climb out of the water, nodding vigorously. "Okay, let's see if we can find some better clothes for you." He says, and I follow him eagerly to his workshop.

"Hmm. Let's see." Newt muses as he rifles through a large trunk full of clothes. "Aha! Here try this on." He tosses me some pants and a jacket. "Those should be much better suited to wandering around looking for magical creatures." He says. I quickly strip down, ignoring Newt's small noise of protest. Humans. Much too modest.

The black pants are too long for me, but the waist fits, so I roll up the cuffs until I no longer trip over the extra fabric. The jacket is also black and it's a bit too big for me, but it's warm and comfortable. Newt hands me a large pair of heavy boots. "You can't walk around barefoot in the plains of Africa." He tells me, when I raise an eyebrow at him. I reluctantly put them on, and try walking around. I wobble a bit, and Newt tries to stifle a laugh. I turn around to glare at him, but end up tripping and falling into him. He manages to catch me and keep us both from toppling over, however. "We might need to practice this before you go anywhere." He says amusedly, helping me stand up straight again. I frown lightly at the smugness in his voice, and stick my tongue at him. Newt just grins at me.

After a couple of minutes of practice, I finally get the hang of these devil shoes, and Newt deems me ready to go magical creature hunting. Newt grabs his bag and helps me up the ladder that leads out of the suitcase. I can't believe I'm getting to do this!! I'm so excited! My first time in the real world in thirty years!! I pause at the top of the suitcase and glance down at Newt, anxiety written across my face. "Don't worry. It'll be fine. I'll be right there with you." He reassures me, smiling gently. I give him a quick smile and look upwards. Right. Here we go.

I step out of the suitcase, and am immediately blinded by bright light. The sun is high in the sky, and heat beats down on the flat golden sand that stretches before me. I hear Newt climb out of the case and come to stand next to me. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He says, his voice betraying his excitement.

It's very different than my usual environment, I'll give him that. It's hot and dry, and the only plant life that I can see is clusters of small shrubs scattered here and there amongst the sand. I look back at him, and find him hand deep in sand feeling around. I walk over and sit down beside him. He looks at me quickly, and flashes a smile. "I'm trying to see if I can find any traces of the creature." I just look at him oddly, clearly showing him I'm amused. He gives a joking annoyed look, and goes back to searching. Is it actually safe for him to be doing that?

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