Chapter 7

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Notes: Hello friends! Surprisingly, our latest chapter is finished on time! Amazing, I know, but fair warning, we probably won't be updating as often form here on out. Sorry about that, but there's a lot of school and family stress going on, so hopefully you can forgive us. Enjoy :)

Chapter Seven

Kai's Pov

It's been three days since we were able to get the Erumpent into the suitcase and Newt and I have made a lovely home for her. Well, mostly Newt made it, but I did help! We also found out that I can only be out of water for a few hours, or I get really tired and dizzy. That little discovery resulted in Newt hovering anxiously over me for several hours, despite my insistence that I was fine. He sat by the pond and refused to leave, instead talking my ear off about the healing properties of murtlaps which, to be honest, it was kind of adorable to watch how excited he was about the subject. Unfortunately, he now refuses to let me out of the water for more than three hours at a time. It's not too bad though, Newt usually comes and talks to me to make sure I don't get bored, even though I spent thirty years alone in a tank, and am quite used to boredom.

Right now, I'm watching him run around trying to feed his creatures. I had offered to help, but he told me to stay in the water. So, now all I can do is sit and watch that dorky (albeit adorable) man run around like a maniac. "Do you need help?" I rasp out to him. My voice isn't fully back but it is getting there.

"No thank you. Momma Newt has it." He answers, though he's speaking more to the graphorns than to me. I laugh a little.

"If you say so, Momma Newt." I reply, teasing him a bit. It feels so nice to finally speak to him, though I think I will wait on singing until I am fully healed.

Newt looks towards me for second and shoots me a smile. I grin back at him, continuing to watch in amusement as he tries to wrestle his watch back from niffler, while also trying not to trip over an overexcited graphorn baby that's running around him in circles. Newt sighs in exasperation and holds his watch up, niffler dangling from the end. "Let go, you awful troublemaker!" He scolds, before the baby graphorn rams into his legs and knocks him over. I burst into a fit of giggles and Newt lets out a frustrated groan.

"Do you need help?" I ask again.

"No." Newt calls back, still lying face down on the ground while the graphorn inspects his hair. I roll my eyes and haul myself out of the water to go help my ridiculous wizard. I quickly calm down the graphorn, and I easily convince niffler to hand me the watch. Newt looks on in shock and awe. "How did you do that!?" He asks incredulously, and I just shrug.

"Niffler loves me, so he doesn't ever do anything to upset me, and with the graphorn? I don't know they always just behave for me." I tell him, and notice a streak dirt on his nose. I bite my lip to hide my grin and rub the dirt from his face. He looks a bit embarrassed, but still gives me his adorable shy smile. "Thank you, Kai."

"You're welcome, clumsy wizard." I say, laughing when he pouts.

"I am not clumsy! I was clearly pushed." He says in an attempt to defend himself, but I smile and roll my eyes at him.

"Whatever you say." I respond, and haul the wizard to his feet.

"You really didn't have to help, I had everything under control." Newt mutters. I just shake my head at him, unwilling to waste my voice arguing. Newt is surprisingly stubborn when he wants to be. "Although, uh. Since you're out of the water anyway, would you... maybe help me with the erumpent? Just, you know if you want to." Newt asks awkwardly. I let out a long-suffering sigh.

The Forgotten and the Clumsy but Caring WizardWhere stories live. Discover now