Chapter 8

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Notes: Hello friends! Sorry for the delay, but thank you so much for your patience! Enjoy :)

Chapter Eight

Newt POV

I kissed Kai. Kai kissed me. We kissed. I can't stop replaying the moment over and over in my head. I was so giddy after dinner, I could barely sleep last night. She kissed me! And it was amazing! Hmm, I wonder if maybe that's because of her siren magic. Maybe she's just had a lot of practice? I shake my head, dispelling those thoughts. Whatever it is, it's wonderful.

I head down to the enclosures ridiculously early in the morning, telling myself it's because I want to get an head start before we leave for Egypt, but mostly it's just because I can't wait any longer to see Kai. She's sitting on the edge of the pond and is lazily waving her tail through the water.

"Good Morning!" I call to her, grinning. She glances up at me and smiles.

"Newt! Good Morning," She calls back, and I melt a little. I want to kiss her again, but I don't know if she would want that, so I just plop down next to her. Pickett immediately climbs up onto her shoulder. She is amazing with the other creatures, I've never seen Pickett cling to anybody like he does with me. She smiles softly at him and kisses his head. I pout a little because I didn't get one, but I look away before she can see it. I feel her lean against my shoulder, and when I turn to look at her she leans forward and kisses me.

I smile against her lips, happily kissing her back. Kai breaks away a few moments later, giggling.

"What?" I ask her, and she shoots me a fond look.

"Nothing, you're just cute." She replies. "So, what are we doing today?" She asks, bouncing excitedly beside me, and I laugh softly at her enthusiasm.

"I was going to start preparing for our trip to Egypt."

"Aha! You're letting me come with you!" Kai says, grinning delightedly.

"Yes, but if you come you have to promise to be careful and to do exactly as I say. Okay? I don't want you to get hurt." I explain seriously. She nods, equally serious.

"I promise. This goes both ways though, I don't want you to get hurt either." Kai adds, locking her stormy gray eyes on mine.

"Yes, alright. I won't take any unnecessary risks or anything." I say, pretending to be exasperated, but internally, I'm dizzy with happiness. I've never had someone to come along with me on my explorations, and I've certainly never had someone worry about me like this before. I wonder if she'll enjoy this so much she won't even want to leave for Hawaii. I kiss her head, and then we eat breakfast together.

"What's Egypt like?" Kai asks, looking at me with an adorable, intrigued look on her face.

"Well, it can be very warm, and some don't like the sand, although I find it beautiful for some reason," I say, and she looks confused but nods. I laugh sheepishly rubbing my head.

"Sorry, I guess that doesn't really answer your question." I say, and she shakes her head.

"It's okay, I'm still excited to see it," She says, and plays with Pickett. I watch them for a little while, occasionally making notes in my notebook about anything we might need to bring on our trip, and Kai often adds things that I forget.

"I'm still not sure about having you come with me, what if it takes longer than three hours and you get sick again from being out of the water?" I voice my concerns, yet again. Kai rolls her eyes at my argument, the two of us could go back and forth on this forever.

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