Chapter 13

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Notes: Hello! We're finally posting a new chapter, but it's a bit shorter than usual, sorry friends. Also cliffhangers. Not sorry. \(^o^)/

Chapter Thirteen


The smugglers work quickly and efficiently to strip us of our weapons. One man takes Newt's wand and snaps it effortlessly in half with his bare hands. Newt flinches, but doesn't make a sound.

The man sneers at Newt, showing off his unnaturally sharpened teeth. Werewolf, my mind helpfully supplies. I don't know why I know that, but I decide to trust my instincts.

"You smell strange." The werewolf growls, turning to me. "Like fish."

I swallow thickly and hold his gaze, desperately hoping he's not smart enough to put the pieces together. He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously, but doesn't comment further. Instead, he holds out his hand expectantly.

"Wand." He orders.

"I- I don't have one." I stammer. He growls again, and forcibly starts searching me.

"I told you I don't have one!" I snap at him when his hands wander too close to my chest. Newt glares at him, and steps forward menacingly, but gets yanked back by one of the other smugglers.

"She doesn't have one. What kind of wizard doesn't have a wand?" The werewolf wonders, more to his buddies than to me.

"Either one that has something to hide, or one that isn't really a witch," The smuggler with the scar says, glaring at me with suspicion. I cringe, but it goes unnoticed by the others.

"Look, she lost it okay! Leave her alone." Alexios snaps weakly, still looking pale from being hit with multiple stunning spells. The smugglers turn their ugly gazes on him. I shoot him a grateful look, and he returns it with a small nod.

"Lost it, huh? I don't believe it. Revelio!" The scarred smuggler hurls the spell at me.

I yelp as the spell hits my skin, burning like fire. For a panicked second I think the spell will reveal my tail, but eventually the burning sensation stops and I'm still standing on two legs.

The smugglers glare and grumble, before one of them grabs my arm and hauls me towards one of the large metal cages designed for holding hippogriffs. A cage. God, not another cage. Not again.

They toss me and Alexios into the same cell, throwing Newt into the one next to us and locking the doors. I can already feel the walls pressing in on me. I can taste the stale water, and feel the aching scales lurking beneath my human exterior. Not again. They'll find out. They'll put me in a tank and torture me. They'll sell me like they do all the other animals. They'll tear out my scales one by one, and sell them for potion ingredients.

Already, the warm, happy memories of Newt's suitcase are fading away, like a pleasant dream giving way to a cruel reality. This is where I was for thirty years, and this is where I'm destined to be for the rest of my life.

I curl in on myself, desperate to hide from the world. Distantly, I can hear someone yelling at me, but I don't acknowledge them. Then, suddenly, something strikes my face, a hot pain spreading across my cheek. I jerk away, and my mind clears enough for me to lash out at my attacker.

"KAI! Stop it!" The person shouts at me, grabbing my hands to keep me from hitting them. "Kai! Newt needs your help, stop hitting me dammit!"

Newt. Newt needs me. I gasp and stop moving.

"Thank you." The person says, loosening their grip on my arms. "Kai? You with me? It's Alexios. Remember?"

Yes, yes, I remember. I slowly nod, and he sighs in relief.

"Good, gave me fright just then," He says, and I look at over at Newt. He's staring at his suitcase with the most heartbreaking look I've ever seen. I crawl closer to him, and stretch my hand out towards him.

"Newt?" I say softly, and he glances over at me. He moves closer to stretch his hands through the bars, linking out fingers together.

"I am so sorry I got us in this mess." He says, and my chest aches at his defeated tone.

"This is not your fault! We will get out of here! I won't let this happen! Not again." I promise. I look over at the smugglers and see them struggling to get Newts suitcase open. NO! They can't do that! I need to think of something that will distract them, to make them leave the case alone.

Have to stop them, have to stop them, have to help Newt. I shake my head to dislodge the panic creeping at the edges of my mind. Stop! This is not like before, now I have Newt and Alexios. I'm not alone.

And I'm not helpless.

I take a deep breath to prepare myself. Alexios is watching me with concern, but I try to put it out of my mind. I hum a few chords to myself, warming up. I haven't done this in what feels like eternity, and I have no idea if I'm still even capable of it, but now is not the time for doubts. I clear my throat loudly, effectively capturing the attention of everyone nearby.

I open my mouth. And I sing.

Newt POV

I clutch the bars of the cage, tight enough that the sharp edges dig into my hands and leave deep gouges. My creatures. My babies. They're going to hurt them, and sell them, and tear them apart. All for their own selfish gain. My stomach roils at the thought. How can people be that cruel?

My eyes are fixated on the suitcase, and the wizards trying to rip it open. I hope it will hold out, a just a little longer. I glance around, desperately trying to come up with a way to escape, to save my creatures. They took my wand and Alexios', and the only thing in this cage is straw. Maybe I could use it to pick the lock?

I'm seriously considering trying, but then the warehouse is filled with an ethereal voice.

Where is that coming from? I glance around in confusion, and then my land on Kai. She-she's singing? She sounds amazing.

Alexios' POV

How could this have happened? It was such a simple job. Save the creatures and get out. How did we miss the smugglers coming back? This is all my fault. I'm the one that called them here to help. I watch Kai anxiously. She was about to lose it few minutes ago, she needs to get out of here as soon as possible. I have to get them out of here safely. But how?

Suddenly Kai starts humming to herself. What is she doing? Oh dear, she's lost it. What am I supposed to do? I need at least one functioning friend to help us escape, and Newt doesn't seem to be doing better any than Kai.

Then she starts singing, and I can only stare in wonder. Is this the beauty of a true sirens call?

It's stunning. Her song is slow and sad, and I can feel my heart breaking just listening to it. I look around the room and everyone else is staring at her in fascination, unable to look away. Newt also has an empty, dreamy look on his face, almost like he's under the Imperious Curse. I'm immensely glad I'm a nymph and her song doesn't work on me, because if I were human, she could undoubtedly control me with ease. As it is the song is hypnotic, making my mind feel fuzzy and sleepy if I focus on it too much. It seems our siren friend is even more deadly than she would have us think.


As I sing, everyone in the warehouse turns to stare at me with wide, vacant eyes. It's extremely creepy. And yet, it's empowering. I can do this. I can take control of everyone here, I can turn these powerful witches and wizards into hollow shells with just my voice. A dark, cruel type of pleasure curls in my stomach. I will no longer be their pet, their slave, their lab experiment, their prize. Now, they will be mine.

Alexios' POV

Something isn't right. Kai is still singing, but for some reason the tune is different, sinister somehow. I study her closely, and she's staring intently at the smuggler that has Newt's case. He's staring back at her with a glazed look in his eyes. Slowly, he brings the case over to her and unlocks our cage door. She stands up, watching him with a mad spark in her eyes as her song gets even creepier. The smuggler takes his wand out and brings it up to his temple. What is she doing?

"KAI NO!" 

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