Chapter 12

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Notes: Haaaay! Would you lookit that, we finished a chapter on time! Now I know what you're all thinking, "I guess this story is okay, but you know what it really needs? More action, suspense, and angst." Well today is your lucky day my friends! Enjoy (^o ͜ o^)

Chapter Twelve

Newt POV

Alexios drops us off next to a huge warehouse. The moment we arrive Kai stumbles away, holding her stomach and looking pale. I start to move towards her, but she waves me off and forces herself to straighten up.

"I'm fine." She insists quietly.

"Where are we Alexios?" I ask, holding on to Kai's arm to steady her.

"A warehouse a couple miles out of the city. I've been observing this place for several weeks, they always leave around this time, so the warehouse should be empty for a little while. Enough time to rescue the animals, anyway." He replies, glancing around the corner to make sure no one's coming. I really hope he correct with that, because I'm not sure Kai can handle being on land much longer.

"We need to get in and out as fast as possible." Kai says, standing on her own again.

"Exactly," Alexios says. He beckons us forward, and we sneak into the warehouse from a side entrance.

What I see as we step into the building makes my blood boil. Creatures of all sizes and forms, trapped together in cages and close confinements that I know are not healthy for them. Beside me Kai gasps and covers her mouth horrified. Part me wishes I hadn't taken her with me to see this. I never wanted her to witness such horrors.

I wrap my arm protectively over her shoulders, but I know it won't do any good. I can't protect her from everything, no matter how desperately I want to.

"Kai?" I whisper, tilting her head to look at me. "You don't have to do this. Alexios and I can manage on our own. You can go back to the suitcase." I say, gently stroking her face.

All at once the fear bleeds out of her expression, replaced with a determination that makes her gray eyes glow like lightning through thunderclouds.

"No." She says firmly, her gaze flickering to a pair of hippogriffs locked in a cage much too small for them. "I will help them."

"Okay." I sigh, and turn to Alexios. "Where's the Thunderbird?"

"Farthest end of the warehouse." He replies, tensely.

"Right." I nod sharply and hand Kai my suitcase. "You help Alexios get the other creatures in here. I'll go find the Thunderbird and see if I can convince it to come with us. Come and find me once you finish." I say. Kai nods in understanding. I give her a quick peck on the cheek and go in search of the Thunderbird.

I walk to the very back of the warehouse, and there I see it. Tied down by heavy chains is a bleeding and extremely wounded Thunderbird. He catches sight of me and starts squawking angrily. I pause and slowly kneel to the floor, holding my hands out slowly in a placating gesture.

"Shhh, I'm not here to hurt you. I want to save you, and all the other creatures here." I tell him calmly, even though on the inside I am a ball of nerves, wondering how I can possibly earn the creature's trust and get him to safety before the smugglers come back. The Thunderbird looks at me with distrust and fluffs his wings in defense, then whines in pain from the action. I clench my teeth and resist the urge to reach out and reassure the creature. No animal should ever be harmed in such a way.

"Please let me help you. Once you are fully healed, I will take you back home I promise." I say, and he looks at me and I can see in his eyes he wants to believe me. I have to prove to him that I can be trusted. "Alright friend, I'm going to get you out of here. I won't hurt you."

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