Chapter 15

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Notes: Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait, but thank you for you patience and all the passionate comments. It's always nice to get feedback from readers telling us we're horrible people :)
Now, just so you all know, we are almost done with this story!!! There are about 2-3 chapters left, and then we'll post a series of one shots that will be sort of like mini-epilogues. Thanks for sticking with us, and enjoy!!

Chapter Fifteen

Newt's POV

After I leave the room, Nicola is there with her arms crossed with a frown on her face.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Newt Scamander!" She snaps at me.

I stare at her in shock because Nicola rarely gets upset with me. In fact, I can't recall a time she's ever been upset with me.

"What have I done wrong?" I ask her, and she shakes her head with disbelief.

"What do you mean, what have you done wrong!? Kaimana does not deserve this kind of treatment! She has does nothing wrong, and you know it! She made a few illegal smugglers that were harming innocent creatures and selling them amongst the black market forget their memories! So what! Wizards do that all the time to muggles! Merlin, even you've done it! I have seen you do it with my own two eyes! So why are you treating Kai like she is some kind of horrible monster? How is she ever supposed to trust wizards and witches again, when every time she does something that's within her nature they punish her, and treat her like she's this evil creature that doesn't deserve to be alive?!" Nicola snaps at me. I stumble away from the angry witch and fall to my knees.

"You of all people should know that creatures are dangerous when they feel threatened. If I was in Kai in that warehouse I would have done the same exact thing! No, I would have done worse to those horrible men! They were going to kill you all, and do worse to the poor creatures. Kaimana saved you, Alexios, and those creatures, but instead of thanking her you gag her and tie her to a chair! Then you have the nerve to tell her she can never be trusted to be around people again? What is wrong with you? How can you do that to someone you care about? Did you even bother to ask Kai what she was feeling, or hear her out at all?" Nicola finally stops yelling, and all I can do is stare at her through the blurry tears I'm not bothering to hide.

"You—you weren't there. You didn't see her, Nicola. She was out of control, she could have killed someone!" I choke out.

"But she didn't, Newt. She didn't kill anyone. She was more in control than you give her credit for. Just admit that you forgot she was a siren, and you're scared of her power." Nicola snaps, her usually kind eyes narrowed with fury. "I thought you loved and accepted all creatures, regardless of their dangerous natures. I thought you were better than this, Newt Scamander."

I hang my head and stare at the wooden floorboards. I don't know if she's right. Maybe I was too harsh with Kai. But how can I trust that she won't go around killing people at her whim? I look up at Nicola in desperation and ask her just that. She shakes her head and watches me with a sad, disappointed gaze.

"Newt, you knew that she was a siren when you saved her, and you knew of her power. We've dealt with stronger and more powerful creatures before, and that never stopped you. You are covered in scars from creatures that have hurt you, but you never once turned your back on them. So why now? Why have you given up on Kai when all she did was try to save you? Tell me this: when she attacked those smugglers, what had they done to you?" She asks me, and I look down at my hands.

"They took my suit case and had us all locked in cages," I murmur.

"So, she was trying to protect the man she loves, and the creatures he holds most dear. Newt, has Kai ever sung to you before?" She asks, and I shake my head no.

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