Chapter Seventeen/Last

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Notes: Oh my goodness guys, guess what?! This is the last chapter!!! There's still the epilogues of course, but this is the last chapter! We finished even sooner than expected! Thank you all for your continued encouragement and support, it means so much to us! Enjoy :)

Chapter Seventeen

Kai's POV

It's late at night, possibly even early morning, and I'm swimming fitfully around my pond, unable to drift off to sleep. Perhaps it is the excitement of the previous day, but every time I close my eyes I see Newt promising to take me to Hawaii, his eyes looking anywhere but at me. I find myself wondering if that's truly what he wants for me; then chastising myself for even caring. I will remain here, even if I have to fight tooth and nail to stay. I thrash my tail restlessly, moving in small, tight circles.

At one point in this internal debate I glance habitually up at Saja, only this time she is no longer laying quietly on her side. She thrashes in her sleep, whining and throwing her arms up as if to protect herself from a blow. I swim over to where she is sleeping and pull myself out of the water. She has the same black dust from before swarming around her from before, and she's quickly being engulfed by it.

"Saja! Wake up please!" I shake her fervently, but all she does is whimper loudly.

"NEWT!" I scream for my wizard, and I hear a responding crash, followed by some muffled yelling. In a matter of seconds, Newt is out of the workshop and running towards us. He notices Saja, and his eyes widen with fear.

"What happened??" He demands.

"I don't know! I was swimming, and she started having a nightmare, and now the Obscurus is back! We need to save her Newt!" I shout, holding Saja in my arms, steadily ignoring the dust creeping around my body.

Newt nods grimly.

"I'll do my best. Wait here with her, I'll be right back." He says, and rushes to his workshop. I just stay where I am and hold Saja tighter.

"We won't let anything happen to you, I promise." I whisper to her, but she doesn't seem to hear me. Saja's eyes are still pressed closed, and the black dust swirls faster and faster with every passing second.

"Shh, shh, shh. It's okay darling, it's okay." I tell her, and start humming a lullaby, since it worked last time. I start singing softly, afraid to wake her up and worsen the problem. I gently rock her back and forth, my throat burning at the thought of losing her. Already, I am too attached.

After about ten minutes the black dust slows, now hovering in the air around us, as though frozen in time. I keep singing, wondering how long I can keep this up, when Newt finally comes jogging back to us, his arms full of various potions and magical artifacts. He sets them gently on the ground and pauses a moment to watch me sing, his face unreadable.

"I need you to keep holding Saja, don't let her go, even if she wakes up." Newt says, finally looking away from me. I stop singing, and nod. Newt nods back once, and pulls out his wand. Then he starts chanting a series of spells, and the green grass around us shrivels and dies, forming a perfect black circle around me and Saja. I take a shaky breath.

"Keep singing." Newt tells me, and goes back to chanting. I do as he says, as the dust begins to swirl faster again. What could he possibly be doing? Saja huddles closer to me in her sleep, and I stroke her head. I hope this won't hurt her. I glance over at my wizard. His eyes are strained and he's sweating from all the magic he is using up.

As he casts spells, more lines begin to trace themselves in the ground, catching fire and spreading, connecting to form geometric shapes. Suddenly Saja's eyes snap open, burning with black fire. The dust starts going crazy, whipping around us like a tornado, and Saja tries to get away from me, but I remember Newt's instructions and hold tight.

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