Reiner x Reader - The Titan

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* This might contain spoilers if you're new to the fandom so pls don't read beyond this point!

You were in a state of panic as you saw the titans chasing you. You followed Reiner's instructions and tried to focus on him. Your heartbeat raced as the ground shook more and more. "Reiner!" You yelled as your tears stained your face.

"_______, calm down!" His horse ran ahead of yours. "They won't catch us. I promise!"

You wiped your tears as you followed his tracks. It had been your first mission with the Scouting Legion. You were lucky enough to be in the same group as Reiner, although you didn't know if it was exactly the best decision. You wouldn't want to have him die in front of you, or even die in front of him. That would bring so much pain.

"_______! Stay close! We have an aberrant at 10 o'clock!" He shouted.

You gulped as you jerked your horse to follow his. The titan was running straight towards you guys. You needed to be quick about this or else you wouldn't make it. But you were late.

The titan stepped right behind you, at least a few yards away. The ground shook beneath you, your horse jumped and you were thrown off. You rolled against the grass, feeling pains in your body from the impact of colliding into the ground. In one direction, you saw the titans running for you, in the other was Reiner. It looked like he kept on going without you. He seemed to be fading away and growing smaller. You closed your eyes feeling the world swallow you in. There was nothing else you could do.

"_______!" His voice rang in your head. You didn't know if your mind was tricking you or if that really was Reiner. "_______!" There it rang again. Suddenly, you felt a strong gust of wind pass by.

Your eyes opened as you saw a giant hand reach down for you. A titan's hand. You shut your eyes again and sighed. "Bye, Reiner.." You laid there, in silence. Waiting to be picked up from the titan then heard a loud crash. You were confused as you raised your head. Rather than being under the shadow of a titan's hand, you were under an actual titan, one you had never seen before.

You turned your head and saw the aberrant on the ground. You looked again at the odd titan and watched as it ran towards the group of rushing titans. It must have saved you.

Then you remembered Reiner. You quickly got to your knees, forgetting your pains and walked towards where you had last seen him. You saw his horse and yours by some bushes. Reiner wasn't there. You frantically turned your head to find the blonde, hoping that he was taking cover somewhere or at least looking for you. But he was no where to be found.

You looked back to where you had fallen and saw only one titan standing. You gazed upon its body, how it looked as if it had protection rather than being naked like all the others. You were puzzled by that. Also, you just realized that it had taken out all the other titans around you.

Suddenly, it began walking towards you. Something about it made you feel safe. As scared as you were, you couldn't move. You told your body to move but you couldn't. It was just steps away from you before the story flashed in your mind: the story of the armored titan and Wall Maria.

Your body finally reacted and you tried to dash away but you felt the fingers squeeze you. You were lifted up off the ground and into the air. This time it was for real. That was it. You couldn't fight back anymore. As you relaxed your limbs you felt your body fall, it had released you. You landed on a hard surface.

You looked up and now you were face to face with the giant. You were shaking as you tried to get off. You backed away but its fingers kept you from escaping.

"What do you want!?" you screamed out. "Aren't you going to eat me already!?" the tears burned down your cheeks. "Hurry up!" you pounded your fists against its palm. "Just get it over with! Just eat me.."

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