Chapter 19

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My head whipped towards the direction to the door to see a very pissed off Zayn. Louis had released me at this point and I tried to approach Zayn. He put his hand up, motioning for me to not get any closer.

"Zayn, it's not what it looks like!" I choked.

"I don't need to hear it," Zayn sighed.

"But-" I stuttered

"I hope you two are happy together," Zayn spat leaving.

"No, wait!" I yelled running towards the door as he left the flat slamming the door.

As I approached the door, I felt someone grab me by the arm and hold me back.

"No, you need to give him some time," Louis stated calmly.

"Oh, don't even! Do you see what you did? I want you out. Now." I yelled at Louis pulling away from him and shoving him towards the door.

As I heard the door close, I started to cry. My knees became weak as I started to head to the couch. My choked sobs were making it hard to breathe, and I plopped down on the edge of the couch. I was about to curl up into my throw blanket when my phone buzzed. I immediately answered it not even looking at the number, desperately hoping that it would be Zayn's voice I would hear on the other end of the line.

"Zayn please just let me explain!" I blurted as soon as I answered it.

"Daph, it's me Gretchen! Who is Zayn? And what do you have to explain to him?"

Gretchen. I have been a horrible best friend I thought. Gretchen and her family had gone on a vacation to Hawaii right after school ended. I had kept in touch with her pretty well up until the whole stylist for One Direction thing happened.

"Oh Gretchen! Hey! How is Hawaii?" I quickly said.

"Hawaii was great! I just got back in last night and I was hoping we could go out and grab a bite to eat and catch up! When should I pick you up?" Gretchen said.

"Um I'm not exactly at home," I said nervously.

"Daph, I know you too well, where are you?" Gretchen sighed.

"Uh, well, um, I'm in London," I stuttered.

"London, England? OMG have you met Prince Harry? I wish you would have told me you were going on vaca there I totally would have joined you! Gosh British accents are so HOT!" Gretchen cried.

"I don't think you understand, Gretchen, I'm working here," I said slowly.

"What? What job did you get there?" she inquired.

"I'm a stylist," I said.

"Oh that's what you always wanted congrats! But wait, for whom?"

"Okay try to not freak out, promise?"


"I'm the new stylist for One Direction,"

"WHAT? Woah wait, so you were wanting to explain something to the Zayn Malik?!"

"Uh yeah,"


"Okay, I actually really need to talk to someone..."

I basically poured my heart out to Gretchen. You wouldn't think so at first glance, but she's actually a really good listener and the best friend I could ever ask for. She is also really good at giving advice.

"Go to him, tell him what happened. He needs to know what really happened. I really hope you two can work things out!" she advised.

"And what about Louis? They're best friends..." I said.

"And so they'll be able to work through it. Obviously Louis knows now that you are not in any way interested. Maybe try and set him up with someone!"

"Alright, thanks Gretchen!"

"Anytime Daph! Oh and how many rooms does your place have by the way?"

"Two why?"

"See you I two days!"


Well I guess I will be seeing Gretchen in two days I thought.

Remembering Gretchen's advice, I wiped off the makeup that had smudged and grabbed my phone and keys.

I quickly texted Liam: where is Zayn? He quickly responded: he is here at my flat-he doesn't seem quite alright

I then responded: I will be there in like 2 seconds-which floor are you on and what number flat

Liam quickly responded again: thank you so much-I'm flat 4C

I quickly ran up the stairs and found 4C quite easily-it was the flat nearest to the stairway's door. I knocked politely and waited for Liam to answer the door. I heard some weird noises before Liam finally opened the door.

"He doesn't want to see you," Liam said with his head down slightly and his eyes avoiding mine.

"Well I'm not taking a no for an answer, and don't make me use force. I should probably inform you now that I took five years of karate and two years of kickboxing and mixed martial arts," I said placing my hand on my hip with a smirk.

That was definitely Oscar worthy I thought to myself as I saw Liam deliberate on whether or not to let me in. Truth be told, I have never taken karate, kickboxing, or mixed martial arts. But, desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, it would probably come in handy the next time the boys are acting up.

"Alright!" Liam yielded backing up completely opening up the door.

"Thank you," I said taking a deep breath and heading in.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Zayn on the couch with his head in his hands. I sighed and set my things down on the table by the front door. I turned to Liam.

"Could you give us a minute in private, please Liam?" I whispered

"Of course, whatever it is, I'm sure you two will work it out," Liam whispered, reassured me.

"I really hope so," I sighed.

After Liam left, I quietly made my way to the couch. Zayn hadn't noticed that I was there. I carefully sat down on the edge of the couch. I reached out to touch his shoulder.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off snogging Louis?" Zayn spat moving away from me.

"You have it all wrong, Zayn! Please just listen to me!" I pleaded.

"Yeah, sure! I'm out of here," Zayn said getting up.

"No, you are not!" I said getting up and rushing to the door standing in front of it.

"Get out of the way Daphne," Zayn said through gritted teeth.

"No, you are not leaving until you let me tell you what really happened!"

"Fine, you have two minutes and then I am leaving," Zayn said crossing his arms.

I gulped and took a deep breath before I said

A/N: muhaha another cliffhanger 😈

I am quite evil aren't I?

Sorry this is a bit late; I have been traveling the past few days and so I didn't have wifi but thankfully I survived!

So did you like it? What do you think of Gretchen? She will be making her big appearance in the next chapter or so :)

Thanks for reading my lovelies!

Vous êtes belle!

Yours Truly,


P.S. Check out my 1D tumblr if you haven't already!


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