Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Normally, I am not much of a morning person, but pancakes can change my mood. But, I wonder who is cooking I thought as I got out of bed.

Then I remembered about Daphne. She made really good food, so I headed downstairs rather quickly. I tried to walk into the kitchen, but Daphne shooed me out and told me to go get the other lads up.

It was easy to get Niall up once I mentioned the pancakes. Liam was never difficult, and Lou was hungry as well so he got up quickly. But it took all four of us to get Zayn up. That boy really loved his "beauty sleep" as I say to him, he is the vain one, remember?

As we walked down the stairs, Daphne came out of the kitchen and told us to go sit down in the dining room. We all did as we were told. Honestly, it was if she was our mother or something. Maybe I should call her Mommy Direction? The lads would get a kick out of that, especially Liam.

A couple seconds later, Daphne entered the dining room. She gave us each a plate with chocolate chip pancakes on it. Sorry was spelled out in chocolate chips on the one on the top of the stack.

"Sorry about the prank last night guys. And for twitcaming it." she said.

She then left and went back into the kitchen. I looked at the lads. They were astonished. Then Zayn slapped Lou in the arm.

"How come we didn't get 'sorry' pancakes from you?" he asked.

"It was too funny to be sorry for!" Lou said laughing and almost falling out if his chair due to his laughter.

Then Daphne came back into the rooms with the rest of breakfast which consisted of fruit, eggs, and bacon. It all looked so good, and yet it was not junk food. It looks like we are going to get in shape I thought as I stayed to devour the healthy and delicious food.

When we had finished eating, we decided that we should decide what to do for the day. This was our first time in California, so Daphne suggested that she should take us sight-seeing. Then, we decided that we would rendezvous back to the house and go to the beach, and later barbecue for dinner.

The lads and I were pretty happy with the day's plans. Daphne said that she would even pick out outfits and disguises for us so that no one would recognize us! So, while the lads and I took our showers and did our other hygiene stuff, Daphne went to work.

When I returned to my room, an outfit was laying on the bed. Everything was there, even down to the shoes. I quickly put it on ,and then examined myself in the mirror.

Daphne had picked out a good outfit. It was not my usual look, but she probably did that so that I would not be recognized while we were out. I had a pair of khaki cargo shorts, a blue white and green striped tank top, a white flat brimmed hat with matching sunglasses, and finally white Supras.

I walked out of my room and waited for the rest of the boys to come down. Liam came down first. He had on a pair of blue and white plaid shorts and a matching blue tee shirt that had a surfboard on it. He also had a blue beanie, white brimmed sunglasses, and blue Supras.

Louis was the next one to come down. He was wearing denim shorts and a plain red tee shirt. He also had a pair of black Supras, a black flat brimmed hat, and black sunglasses.

Niall came shortly after Louis. He was wearing khaki shorts, a plain white V-neck tee shirt and white converse. He also had on a straw fedora and white brimmed sunglasses.

Zayn took FOREVER it seemed to come down! Zayn definitely cared about his appearance, but seriously! When he finally came down, he had a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"This," Zayn said gesturing to his clothes "is not me!"

"That's the point, so they won't recognize you." I said matter-a-factly.

Honestly, his outfit was fine. He was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a green tee shirt with a white horizon drawn across the chest, a black beanie, white brimmed sunglasses, and black and white Supras.

He huffed and sat down with the rest of us. We sat I'm silence for a few moments before Louis decided that the silence needed to be broken. He jumped up and started to do weird dance moves, and he attempted to rap. Niall thought that it was bloody hilarious and joined in. Liam just put his head down and shook it. Zayn and I sat there dumbfounded.

But then, Daphne walked in. Immediately, Louis and Niall stopped and the room fell silent. All eyes were on her. I have to admit that she is really hot, but I am not looking to be tied down any time soon. She looks like the serious relationship type. But that doesn't mean I won't flirt with her, of course!

Besides, it looks like Louis and Niall might be already fancy her. Who knows? Maybe Zayn, too. But he is just too "mysterious" as the directioners say to be able to tell.

She was wearing a pair of mint high-waisted shorts that she paired with a loose grey top that had the Eiffel Tower on it. She also had on a pair of black TOMS, and tan aviator sunglasses. Plus, there was a mint satchel slung over her shoulder. Her long, medium blonde hair was swept up in a messy bun and her makeup was pretty natural.

I think she noticed that we were all staring at her because she gave us a weird look before heading into the kitchen. She called out saying that she was packing up some snacks for us and then we could leave. Then she told us to go get into the car. Apparently, she had called and rented out a rental car for us!

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