Meeting One Direction

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Alright, I will admit, I am not the average directioner. I am not one of those crazed, screaming, saying "OMG I love One Direction" every five seconds type of fan. I actually despise fangirling, with a passion. It is pointless to just scream and jump around like that. They are still people! Plus, there is no good legit reason on why you have to ruin everyone within a mile'a radius good hearing! Finally, do you really think that the guys like it? I mean, come on! And if you think it will make them notice you, girlfriend you are dead wrong!

Sure, I have a couple posters and I have both of their albums on my iPhone and stuff, but I am just not crazy! I am just a very carefree, down to earth person. That is probably the reason that I got to meet them.

The one thing I am crazy about is fashion. I could go on for hours about different types of fabrics and their best purpose. Luckily, my obsession payed off in the best way possible.

It was last summer. I had just reached my 100,000th follower on Polyvore! I was so pumped! I was getting quite popular. My parents were not as happy as I was. To my mom, Polyvore was a distraction from "my" goals of being a lawyer. My dad was always just super busy with work. To be honest, I wanted to get a major in fashion!

"Daphne, come now! A lawyer is a much more sensible career choice." My mom would say.

Both of my parents thought that it would be impossible for their average American teenage daughter to make it in the fashion world. But they has never even seen my Polyvore! Ugh!

But then, one day while I was checking my Polyvore, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. But my best friend Gretchen had just just changed her phone number, and it was the Los Angeles area code, so I decided to pick it up.

"Hello!" I said sweetly into the phone,

"Hello! Is this Daphne Green?" A male voice said.

"Yes." I said.

"Oh good! This is Simon Cowell. Listen, could we meet for coffee in around an hour? Bring your parents. I have a business proposition for you." He said in a serious tone.

"Of course!" I said in a calm, yet exuberant voice. I wanted to sound professional, yet still interested.

"Mom! Dad! Could we go to Starbucks in like an hour, please?" I said running down the stairs.

"I could go for a Carmel frappachino right about now," My mom said.

"Okay I will be ready in like twenty minutes!" I said running back upstairs.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning. I had just started my summer break, so I had only been up for around half of an hour. It was not like I had to go somewhere, so I had slept in.

Once I got back to my room, I frantically stayed searching for the perfect outfit. I needed to dress to impress! I mean gosh! I was having a meeting with SIMON COWELL for crying out loud! Plus, it had to be something to do with fashion, since the meeting was about a business proposition.

Perhaps it's a gig with something for the X-Factor! I thought happily. Seriously, the X-Factor is my all time favorite TV show on the planet. I love to watch the performances, of course, but I also really enjoy critiquing the contestants' outfits!

Outfit! Daphne! Outfit! My mind screamed at me, bringing me back to reality. I took a quick shower since I could not decide what to wear. Then I was faced with my closet again. I needed to look professional, young, and fashionable at the same time. After pulling my closet apart I finally found the perfect outfit. I chose a pair of mint green skinny jeans and paired it with a lace pink tank top that had some ruffles in the front on the bust vertically. To add a bit of a professional flare, I slipped on a sand colored three-quarter sleeved blazer. I then slipped on my favorite pink peep toe heels.

Then I quickly curled my medium blonde hair in loose curls. My hair fell half way down my back when it was straight, and so it was at my waist after I curled it. I went for a natural look with my eye makeup. I added a little bit of black eyeliner near the outer edge of my eye and added mascara to my top and bottom lashes. I noticed that with me, the simpler I did my eye makeup, the brighter my eyes looked. My eyes were an mixture of blue and green with a slight amount of hazel near the pupil.

Before exiting my room, I grabbed a charm bracelet that matched my blazer and a silver necklace with a sparkly heart pendant on it. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed my purse. Of course, there were no comments from my parents about my outfit. The two of them were dressed in their work clothes.

My parents were lawyers, and they both had cases that day in the evening. Normally, I did not want them to wear their work clothes out because I thought they were too stuffy. But, this was a business meeting, so I suppose that they actually did dress for the occasion!

It took around twenty five minutes to get to Starbucks. Thankfully, there was not too much traffic. I could NOT miss this! It was my one chance!

After we entered, I immediately saw Simon. He was sitting at a table that has three extra chairs. I waved at him and he smiled.

I went with my parents and ordered. After we got our drinks, Simon approached us. My parents were a little bit taken back. Simon then said that he wanted to make a business proposition, and that caught their attention.

We all say down. I sat on the same side of the table as Simon. He took out his briefcase. He pulled out his laptop, a bunch of papers, and a pen.

Simon started off saying "Mr. and Mrs. Green, do you realize that your daughter has a gift?"

There was a long pause. He then continued pulling up Polyvore on his laptop and going to my page and showing my parents. He said "Your daughter has amazing fashion skills! One of the music groups that I signed to my record label are in dire need for a stylist. I am prepared to employ your daughter. What would the two of you say to that?"

My mom immediately said "Well, we were planning on Law School this coming fall, Mr. Cowell. Wouldn't she have to travel for this job?"

My heart sank. No! Why mom? Why? I thought. Now my dream was crumbling.

"If education is a concern, then I could have her get signed up for online college classes." Simon said.

My mom was going to say something but my dad interrupted her. "Well, I suppose she could." Way to go dad! I thought. He was always the more understanding one!

"Alright then! Here is the contract that I will need all three of you to sign." Simon said sliding the bunch of papers over to my parents.

My mom was about to object, but then my dad whispered something to her. She glared at him, but then took the papers. She took the first half and he the second.

"My parents are lawyers." I told Simon as my parents started pouring over the contract.

"Ah! I see." Simon said in reply.

After around twenty minutes of small talk with Simon, my parents finally signed the contract. Then it was my turn. I initialed, printed my name, and put in all of my information. Finally, I signed my name with a flourish.

"Good! Now that that'a all settled, I will give the boys a ring and have you meet them!" Simon said grinning.

Whoa, wait? Am I, no it can't be. Well, wait. Could I be One Direction's new stylist? I wondered as Simon started dialing.

Yes, I am leaving with a cliffhanger for the first chapter!

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