Chapter 13

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Daphne's POV

"As I mentioned earlier, I am excited to welcome the newest member of our team, Daphne Green. Now, we have a lot ahead of us. The lads will be recording, making public appearances, etc. Now, we will be heading back to London in two days. All of you will be receiving your flight details shortly. For now, all I need to see are Daphne and the lads. That is all." Simon said.

Everyone left and Simon ushered them all out. Afterwards he came back and sat down smiling. He looked over at me.

"So, how does moving to London sound, Daphne?" he asked.

"Awesome! But what about everything? I mean what's going to happen?" I asked unsure.

"Well, once we get there, you can start looking into flats. I would suggest getting one near or in the same building as the lads. Which reminds me-I am trusting you lads to keep Daphne safe. I promised her parents she would be in safe hands. I have some unfinished business here and so I will not be returning to London for awhile. And I have other business endeavors, so I will not always be there." Simon said in a serious tone.

"Yes, we understand." Zayn said giving my hand a squeeze. We had been holding hands under the table the entire time, which was giving my stomach butterflies. The other boys nodded in agreement.

"Good! So, Daphne, you will want to make sure you have everything you want to take with you packed up. You don't need to take everything; you can buy new things, but you know. Alright, we that is all. You all can go, I will be in touch!" Simon said. He then stood up and left.

I was bursting with excitement! I had always wanted to visit London! This was great.

"So, are you alright?" Zayn whispered in my ear.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be fine?" I replied.

"So you want to go?" Liam asked. The other boys seemed to be anticipating my response.

"Yes." I said slowly.

"Smashing!" Louis said.

As we left the room I wondered why the boys had thought that I did not want to go. One of the reasons that this job really intrigued me was because it meant that I would be able to travel a lot. I had always wanted to live in a foreign city. I had thought originally Paris, but London seemed more of a logical choice; I would still be speaking my native tongue. Plus, I already have friends which is a plus! Yes, I do consider these crazy boys as friends. And I also have someone who is kind of more than a friend.......

But I don't know what Zayn and I exactly are. Yeah we kissed, but he didn't ask me out or ask me to be his girlfriend. My fifteen year old self would be jumping around with my best friend Gretchen screaming and wondering when I should DTR (define the relationship).

Thankfully, I have matured since then. Okay, maybe we still squeal a little bit when we notice a guy checking one of us out-but still. I'm not screaming. Plus, I have never felt the way I do with Zayn with any other guy before. This relationship is going to be a lot different from the others that I have had before. I can feel it. I need to just let it take it's own course; let him take his time. Why should I rush things? I need to focus on the present: moving.

I pulled out my iPhone and started typing in a to-do list for myself. I needed to decide what I am taking to London, look into flats, pack, find my passport, study up on British culture, pick out my outfit for the airport, etc. The next few days are going to be interesting I thought to myself as we walked down the hallway leading to the exit of the venue.


London here we come!!!!!!
I hope you guys are enjoying the story; I would love some feedback!

Vous êtes belle!
Yours Truly,

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