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We have finally reached the end of this story. Thank you so much to everyone who has read it, I'm sorry that it took this long to finish.

Obviously the story disregards a lot of things that have happened in the real world. This story takes place in an ultimate universe inside of my head where there was no break up or hiatus. Granted, the majority of it was written previous to that all happening, but I honestly don't know how I could have fit that all in and still keep the story that I had always intended to write.


"I would just like to say, from the bottom of my heart that I love the both of you so very much. You are an amazing couple, I could not be happier. But, before I end my toast, I would just like to tell a quick story. You know, I was very instrumental in these two meeting. At the time, I was the stylist for One Direction. And of course Gretchen is my best friend. She came to come visit me. Now, Niall, you'e never heard this before, but when I picked her up from the airport, Gretchen asked me if you were single! I of course told her not to fan girl over you and stuff. So, she got all of her craziness out, pretending that I was you. And I quote: Oh my gosh! It's Niall Horan! I love you! I'm a huge fan! HAVE MY BABIES! And the rest is history. So Gretchen ultimately got what she wanted. So, when you guys do have those babies, make sure I'm godmother!" I finished blowing a kiss at the happy couple.

I carefully sat back down next to Zayn. He gave me a big smile. He then leaned down slightly.

"Didn't your mommy do a great job? Yeah, I love her and you so much," Zayn said to my stomach.

I'm about seven months pregnant. It's so hard to believe that it's been almost seven years since I became the stylist of One Direction. It's been three since I started my own fashion line, and two since Zayn and I got married.

I'll never forget how he proposed. The boys were on tour, but he flew to L.A. where I was currently living to surprise me. I was of course shocked. He then had a limo pick us up and didn't tell me where we were going. As soon as I stepped out, I immediately recognized the place. I hadn't been back at the Taglyan Cultural Complex since the night we had all gone there. But, it looked a lot different considering Zayn had rented the entire place out. We at a delicious dinner, before we pulled me from my seat and led me outside. I saw the fountain. That night seemed almost like a lifetime ago. 

All of the sudden A Thousand Years by Christina Perri started to play. I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"You shouldn't have," I said trying not to tear up.

"Don't start crying yet, I have to ask you something first," He paused for a moment and then got down on one knee. Then I really had to try not to cry. "Daphne, the night that we came here all those years ago, I knew you were special. I'm so lucky that you are in my life. I never thought that I could love someone as much as I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have lots of beautiful babies and grow old but hopefully not too gray," I couldn't help but laugh at this point, and he started to chuckle as well. He then reached into his blazer and revealed a little black box. "Daphne, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I cried pulling him up hugging him.

A voice suddenly broke through my thoughts: "Reminiscing?"

"Yeah a little, about when you proposed. I can't wait to tell our little girl about that night," 

"Come on Daph, I know you're very pregnant, but you're going to dance with me at my wedding!" Gretchen yelled at me from the dance floor.

"Well I guess we better get out there. At least I have a good excuse for dancing badly. You on the other hand, don't!" I exclaimed getting up.

Zayn followed me onto the dance floor laughing.

"How is my goddaughter doing?" Louis said bending down to be face to face with my belly.

"Hello to you too Louis," I said sassily.

"Hello, love. Zayn, hey mate!" Louis replied.

"Hey, mate!" Zayn replied as they hugged briefly.

Soon the whole gang was together, everyone and their significant others. A slow sang on and the dance floor became crowded with couples. I couldn't be as close as I would like to Zayn due to my rather large bump, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I love you," Zayn whispered.

"I love you too," I replied pulling him in for a kiss.

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