Chapter 16

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Daphne's POV

I am loving London already I thought as I stepped off the plane. The weather was surprisingly not rainy. I actually love the rain; it relaxes me. But it was sunny and bright. It wasn't too warm or too cold; it was almost perfect. But, nothing is perfect so that's unrealistic.

After we got our bags, the boys and I left the airport and got into a cab. It was weird to be riding. Back in California I practically drove myself everywhere!

But I don't have an international driver's license. Plus, my car is currently parked in my parents driveway. I figured I won't have to be driving much with my apartment-excuse my misuse of American terms-my flat is right in the heart of the city.

Speaking of my flat, it's going to be so fun to decorate! I checked the shipment the during the flight and everything had already arrived. I'm so glad Simon gave us a couple days off; I will be all settled in by the time I have to start work.

I imagine I could con the boys into helping me. Perhaps I could offer to make them dinner? They seem to like food, granted they ARE teenage boys. Well, I know at least Zayn will help me; he already told me he would. He is seriously the sweetest boy I've ever met.

"Here we are!" Liam spoke up.

I looked out the window of the cab and sighed happily. The six of us grabbed our luggage and headed inside. I started to walk over to the owner's office to go get my keys and sign my contract. Simon had been able to pull some strings but I had yet to sign my contract.

"I will be over to your place in a bit, love," Zayn called over his shoulder as he headed over to the lift (10 points to Gryffandor for me remembering my British terminology).

"Okay!" I replied smiling.

After I got my keys and signed my contract, I headed over to the lifts and headed to the third floor. My landlord had informed me that he took the liberty to have all my furniture be delivered directly to my flat, so there wouldn't be any trouble. I was so thankful! I had not looked forward to lugging around all those boxes. My job just became a whole lot easier.

I left the lift and headed to my door. I stepped inside and looked around. I loved it. As soon as you opened the door there was a small closet to the left and a small hallway which led to the living room that had exposed red brick on the back wall. There were also two large windows. To the right of the living room there was the dining room/kitchen that had an open concept with the living room. The laundry room was behind the kitchen along with a small pantry.

To the left of the living room there was a hallway which led to one of the bedrooms as well as one of the bathrooms. I decided that I was going to make that bedroom into an office/guest room.

At the end of the hallway there was a spiral staircase that led up to the loft of the flat. It was where the other bedroom was and the other bathroom.

There were French doors that led out to the small balcony overlooking the courtyard behind the flat building. The loft also overlooked the living room.

I had decided that my bedroom would be the one with the balcony.

Everything was so spacious and I loved it. The flat was the perfect mix of modern and classic. There was hard wood flooring throughout the flat, and I really loved the rustic look the exposed brick gave. The walls were all currently white, but I had some artwork that I was going to put up to spruce them up a bit. I really was not one for painting. The process is so tedious, and it was a flat, so when I inevitably move I would have to paint the walls white.

I walked back out to the living room which had all of the boxes sprawled across the floor. Might as well get started I thought. I picked up one if the boxes to open it.

Before I could attempt to rip off the tape, there was a knock at my door. It's probably Zayn I thought as I scurried to the door.

"Hello, love! What do you think of your flat?" Zayn said as he walked in.

"It's great; I can't wait to start decorating!" I replied excitedly.

"That is quite a few boxes," Zayn commented as he passed the large pile of boxes.

"Yeah! Sure is," I replied. "Wanna help me unpack them and help me put together some of the furniture?"

"Of course!" Zayn said walking over to me and kissing me on the nose.

"Okay; great! Where to be begin?" I said biting my lip.

"Well I could ask the lads to come help as well so things could get done faster?" Zayn asked.

"Sounds like a good idea," I smirked.

"I'll ring them," Zayn said pulling out his phone.

"Okay! I'm going to start taking some stuff to my room," I informed Zayn as I took two of my suitcases up to my bedroom.

There were a lot of them but thankfully many of them were duffle bags and stuff like that so they weren't as heavy. That sparked an idea. I walked over to the railing where the living room was visible from the loft, where Zayn was just ending his call.

"Hey, Zayn, can you toss me those duffle bags?" I called.

He looked up and nodded. I smiled at myself as he tossed up the duffle bags one by one. This was making my job a whole lot easier; I wouldn't have to walk up and down the stairs as many times! After all of the duffle bags had made their way up to the loft, there was a knock at the door.

"Must be the lads," Zayn said heading over to the door while I made my way down the stairs.

"Nice flat," Liam commented as Zayn let the other boys in.

"So where are we getting started?" Louis said with an annoyed look.

What is up with him today? I thought to myself. I pushed the question to the back of my mind.

"I thought that we could start in the kitchen! That way I could make a nice dinner for us tonight," I said.

"Sounds like a great plan to me!" Niall said.

"Alright! Let's get started, here the boxes for the kitchen are right over here," I said.


Hey guys :)

I updated!! I'm already starting on the next chapter so that should be up soon!

So what do you think about Daphne's flat?

And what is up with Louis?


Thanks for reading!

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Vous êtes belle!

Yours Truly,


Meeting One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora