
 When Jose woke in the morning, her body was covered in sweat. Her feet and hands were swollen and red and her back was aching.

She moved to get out of bed, just as she was putting her feet on the ground, A dull pain surged up her spine and her belly felt tight. She lifted her legs back on the bed and screamed for William to call Aunt Lucia.

The old womans hands shook when they moved, but she was the pack midwife and Jose trusted her completely. Jose felt her Aunts hands pressing on either side of her belly. They were cold and soft, a welcome feeling against Jose's burning skin.

"There is no contractions little one, you are making the change" She said, peering over the tops of her half moon specticals and pushing a strand of grey hair out of her face.

"no it cant happen yet, the baby needs to come first. YOU HAVE TO HELP ME, THEY BABY NEEDS TO BE BORN..... before i make the change" Jose replied.

"What you think i dont know that? " Aunt Lucia replied, "Im the midwife arent i?" she hobbled over to her bag and grabbed out two glass bottles of yellow liquid.

"Here, drink this, were inducing you" Aunt Lucia said, pushing a teaspoon of yellow liquid into Jose's mouth.

"What is that stuff" Jose asked after swollowing. She was expecting oil, it looked like oil, smelt like oil. but when the liquid entered her mouth, it tasted sweet and sour, like lemon juice, but with a hint of butterscotch and vanilla.

"Its my special mix, that stuff will numb ya pretty bits below, your still gonna feel it girl, just wont get the full blast" She replied tipping the second bottle of liquid into the teaspoon. "This one will make you tingle more than william did" Lucia said winking down at Jose as she shoved the next spoon into Jose's mouth.

The second liquid didnt really have a taste, it felt cold in Jose's mouth, as cold as ice, but as it slid down her throat she felt a warming sensation, followed by a tingle which grew stronger and stronger after every inch it covered.

William entered the room with blankets, towels and a small brown bag full of medical supplies Aunt Lucia requested from her office in the middle of the village.

"Right, just in time" Aunt Lucia said to william, motioning with her hands for him to bring everything to her. "in a few seconds, your going to feel the contractions start" She said placing a blanket over Jose's stomach and upper thighs. "Thats when the real fun begins kid"


"Two more pushes girl, Shes almost out" Aunt Lucia said, encouraging Jose to keep going.
Her hair was dripping with sweat, her legs were so sore and swollen, she was going to need to bind them after this was all over. 

Williams hands were turning purple, he was warned about holding Jose's hand during laybour but he wanted to, he felt he should do it without hesitation, and he knew Jose needed it.

Jose let out a loud groan as she pushed with all her might, suddenly the room was filled with the sound of tears. a baby crying, it was a beautiful sound which filled Jose with happyness. her body relaxed and her eyes immediately began searching for her baby in the room.

"Its a little girl" Aunt Lucia cried out. "A girl" William pressed his head against Jose's and squeezed her hands in his, a single tear dripped down his cheek as he took the beautiful baby from Lucia's arms and wrapped her in a blanket, he put the baby into Jose's arms and looked down at the two most precious people in his world. 

Jose looked down at her baby with adoration. seeing her daughter made all of the pushing and the hours of laybour all worth it. She could feel aunty Lucia tinkering around down inbetween her legs but in that moment there was nothing that could take her attention away from the beautiful baby in her arms.

"Aunt Lucia. whats happening" Jose cried out feeling a sharp pain rip through her abdomen again. another contraction. Jose quickly passed the baby girl to william.

"Aunty i need to push!" She screamed.

For minutes, Jose couldnt hear anything anybody said to her, she couldnt focus on anything but the thumping beat in her chest. She pushed when she needed to push and her body took over.

"What is happening!" she screamed although she wouldnt hear the answer, she couldnt even hear herself scream.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of a baby crying again. She knew what had happened, she just didnt understand how they didnt know about the second child.

"And a boy!" Aunt Lucia squeeled with joy, wrapping the baby in a towel and cleaning it before handing him over to Jose who was so happy tears were flooding from her eyes.

"A boy, and a girl...." William said, he couldnt hide his excitement to have a son, it was clear on his face aswell as in his voice.

"What will we name them?" he asked, kissing Jose on the forehead.

"The boy will be James.... and the girl will be Nina" 

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