"Please tell me this is the last one."

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Camila had woken up ridiculously early. Today was the day she was going to propose to her girlfriend of a year and a half (technically three and a half years). She had gotten everything set up that morning. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Lauren's cheek before placing the note with a single red rose on top of her pillow. She knew that she didn't have long before Lauren woke up. So she finished getting dressed and grabbed her wallet and her keys before leaving the house to go to her car. The first location would be the hotel room where they talked again for the first time. So that was where she was going. She'd hide out in the parking lot until Lauren found the second note.

Lauren felt something brush her cheek. She ignored the feeling and went back to sleep. It was her only day off for a while and she was going to spend it sleeping in bed with her girlfriend. Lauren subconsciously moved over toward Camila's side of the bed and reached out for her, but she didn't feel anything there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Babe?" Lauren said, voice raspy. She saw a rose on Camila's pillow with a note attached to it.

Good morning, my love. I'm sorry that you had to wake up alone, butI have a surprise for you/ You need to get ready and decipher these clues to find out where I am at. I promise it will be worth it.



P.s., here is your clue: After 6 long months I came to get you back. Come to the place where we got things back on track.

Lauren smiled at the note and quickly got dressed. She made her way to the hotel that Camila stayed at when she came to Texas for the first time.

Camila smiled when she saw Lauren make her way into the hotel. She hoped that Lauren remembered what room number it was. She looked down at her phone and looked through multiple pictures of the two of them together. They were so in love. She sighed and looked through her contacts, calling one of her friends from the hospital. "Hey, Mani. She's at the hotel right now. She'll be coming by soon. Make sure it's ready? .... Thanks. I'll see you soon." She hung up and leaned back in the seat.

Lauren made her way into the hotel. She didn't even have to think twice about where she was going. She got into the elevator and went to the third floor. She walked down the hall to the room that Camila stayed in. She noticed another rose was taped to the door with a note. She looked around and didn't see Camila anywhere. She opened the note.

You're sweeter than candy and hotter than the sun, now head to the place where we have some weekend fun. It's not by the water but up near the pier, at your favorite food cart you'll find the next clue here.

Lauren shook her head and walked back out to her car. She wondered why Camila was doing this, but she decided to play along.

Camila watched as Lauren headed back out to the car, with a large smile on her face. She smiled and waited a few minutes before following her. The last thing she wanted to do was get caught. She followed Lauren to the beach and found a parking spot about 10 spots away from Lauren. She leaned back and relaxed again. She pulled the ring out from the glove compartment and smiled. It wasn't that big of a ring, but it was just Lauren's size. It was perfect. She ran her finger along the diamond and sighed happily. She really, really hoped that Lauren would say yes.

Lauren parked close to the pier. She stopped and took a minute to enjoy the view. The water looked so nice. She made a mental note to tell Camila that they should go to the beach today. She walked down the pier to her favorite taco stand. She found it odd that she hadn't heard from her girlfriend today, and that she wasn't home this morning...she didn't think that Camila had to go to school today. She walked up to the stand and smiled.

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