"I don't see you as just a sex object."

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Camila had texted Lauren the night before, as promised, and told her the details of where they would meet up for breakfast. She settled on a diner across from central park; it was honestly the most she could afford since it was the middle of the month, but she didn't really care. She liked the place and hopefully Lauren would too. She took a sip of her coffee. It was 8 in the morning and she was tired. She didn't get much sleep the night before, her mind constantly thinking about Camila and distracting her from her work. She had a project that had taken up most of her night and she lost track of time. By the time she went to bed it was well after midnight. She looked at her phone. She was hoping that Lauren would show up.

Lauren was completely exhausted. She didn't leave work until 2:30 in the morning, and once she got back she had barely slept because she was looking forward to breakfast with Camila. She stood up and got off the subway, making her way up to the bustling streets of New York City. She checked the address in her phone and walked the three blocks to the place. It was a small diner, cute and cozy looking. She walked in and saw Camila sitting at one of the tables.

The student quickly walked over and sat down across from Camila. "Hey. Sorry I'm a little late. I overslept my alarm." Lauren said as she slipped her jacket off. She also took extra time to get ready...she wanted to look good for Camila.

Camila smiled when she saw Lauren. "It's fine. I just got here about ten minutes before you. You look great, Lauren," and she did. She flagged the waitress down and the woman got Lauren a cup of coffee. "I'm glad that you showed up." It would have been embarrassing if she hadn't because she told the waitress she was waiting for someone.

"I hope you don't mind the place. I come here a lot. The foods pretty good," she wanted to reach over and hold Lauren's hand but she wasn't sure if that would be appropriate or not. It was only the first date, if it could even be classified as such.

Lauren smiled at Camila. "Thanks.." She chuckled a little. She yawned as the waitress set the cup of coffee if front of her. She immediately picked it up and took a drink. She set her cup down and crossed her legs under the table.

She smiled at Camila, "I don't mind it at all." Lauren looked around, "It looks nice. I can't wait to try the food." She never really went out in the city...so any place would be new for her. "How did the rest of your night go?" Lauren asked Camila taking another sip of coffee...she was starting to wake up a little.

Camila nodded. "It went alright, I suppose. I spent most of the night painting. I lot track of time and went to bed kind of late." She smiled at the woman and took another sip of her coffee. She still couldn't believe that she was going on a date with a stripper/med student. She didn't know why she was putting herself through this torture. She knew it wasn't going to end well but she enjoyed spending time with Lauren. So she was going to relax and let it happen. Just then, the waitress came over with the menu and refilled her cup of coffee.

Lauren raised her eyebrows a little, "Painting? You paint?" She was intrigued by Camila. The woman had this thing about her that was just so calming that she was beginning to feel more and more comfortable around her. "You're just full of surprises." Lauren joked a little.

Camila nodded. "Yeah, I do. I'm a musician too. I prefer music though." She smiled as the woman flirted with her. She shook her head and looked at the menu in front of her. 

Lauren was impressed. A painter and a musician. Camila must be a really creative person. "Music...so do you sing or play instruments?" Lauren asked. She wasn't much of a creative person. She was really book smart and logical minded. She laughed a little. Taking a sip of her coffee. 

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