"I'm sorry."

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AN: Sex happens. K bye.

Lauren had gone over to Camila's house for dinner. She took the night off work because she wanted to spend time with Camila after a stressful week at school. She didn't know what her and Camila were exactly, but she was enjoying the last few weeks or so that she had spent with the woman.

The women gotten done eating not long ago and they found themselves making out on Camila's couch. Lauren was straddling Camila as they kissed. She slipped her tongue into Camila's mouth and grinded down on her core. She could feel that Camila was getting hard, and it was starting to excited her as well. This isn't the first time that Camila had gotten hard while they were making out and every time it happened Lauren felt bad.

Camila groaned as the woman's core hit her own. She ran her fingers up Lauren's stomach and cupped her breasts. She wanted Lauren. She'd held back for almost four weeks and she needed this woman in her bed. But the problem is that part of her still wanted to take it slow.

She knew that Lauren had been burned in the past, and she wanted to show Lauren that it was possible to be happy. "Lauren..." She moaned out, moving her lips to the student's neck. Camila trailed her lips up the woman's neck and sucked on the sensitive patch of skin just below her ear. She could feel herself growing harder, and she knew that Lauren felt bad, but the wait was over. Camila wanted Lauren.

Lauren continued to kiss Camila. She was trying her hardest to not tease the woman's cock, but feeling Camila get hard under her was making it difficult. All she wanted to do was grind down and feel the hardness on her aching core. She moaned softly, her hips involuntarily grinding into Camila's cock as the woman cupped her breasts. She buried her head in Camila's neck, gently nipping at the skin.

"Hmm?" She mumbled in response as she pulled back, kissing Camila's lips once more. She tilted her head to give Camila more room on her neck. The woman knew not to mark her, because she wasn't supposed to have hickies showing at work.

Camila pulled away from Lauren's neck and gently pushed her off. She stood up and held her hand out. "Come here..." She pulled Lauren into her and smiled. she walked backwards, pulling Lauren with her towards the bedroom. As she walked, she unbuttoned each of Lauren's buttons, one by one.

Lauren stood up and followed Camila. "We don't have to...I'm sorry I got you hard...again." Lauren kissed Camila softly. "I didn't mean to. You're just so sexy." She let Camila take her shirt off. "Are you sure?" Lauren laid back on the bed.

"I want you..." Camila smiled seductively and pushed Lauren's shirt off of her. "I want you so badly right now..." Once they reached the bed, Camila helped Lauren lay down and pressed her lips to the spot just above the woman's curve of her breast.

The raven-haired girl moaned softly feeling Camila's lips on her sensitive skin. She wrapped her arms around Camila and pulled the woman up to her lips. She kissed her softly. "We really don't have to, Camila." Lauren wanted this so badly, but she didn't want to pressure Camila into it.

Camila smirked as the woman rambled. She leaned back up and took her shirt off, throwing it to the floor. "Well... if you don't want me... then we could always go back to attempting to watch that movie." She ran her hands down Lauren's chest and started to unbutton her jeans. "So... stop me now if you don't want this, baby..." She leaned down and pressed her lips to Lauren's neck once again. She really wanted her.

Lauren shook her head eagerly. "No. No. I want this. I want you. So badly." Lauren pulled Camila into a hungry kiss. She was just ready to fuck. She had been wanting Camila for months now...and with having her once before...she was so ready to feel that high again. Lauren moaned softly feeling Camila's hands running down her body. She lifted her hips, signaling to Camila to just pull her pants off and get on with it. "Don't stop." Lauren said as she brought her hands to push her pants down, trying to speed up the process. She opened her neck giving Camila room.

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