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"Thank you, Cal," Michael said as he stepped out of Calum's vehicle, hearing a small 'no problem bud' before closing the door behind him. As the car behind him drove away, Michael headed down the small pathway and soon walked into Luke's apartment.

His eyes immediately landed on Luke, the man sitting on the couch, eyes taken from the television to Michael. "Hello, love-bug," Luke hummed, sitting up straight.

Michael giggled softly at the pet name, closing the door behind him as he stepped inside the room. He joined Luke's side on the couch, taking the blanket that was spread across Luke's lap, tucking himself into it. He nuzzled his side against Luke's, and wrapped his arms around the older man."

"Thank you for being shirtless," Michael said, which made Luke laugh soft. The older brought his hands to card through Michael's fluffy hair.

"I'm always shirtless, Mikey, you've just been missing out on it," he responded, moving closer to the younger.

Michael laughed, resting his head on Luke's side. Luke untangled his hands from Michael's hair, letting his arm fall to rest on Michael's shoulder. He brought the boy closer to him and placed a kiss on Michael's forehead.

"You're so cute," he mumbled, then gave Michael another kiss.

"I know," Michael murmured, smiling up at Luke. "You're a real charmer, did you know that?" he asked.

Luke shook his head. He then moved his arm from around Michael's neck and took Michael's arms from his waist. "Stand up," was his only reply, which at the least wasn't charming and a bit demanding.

"Alright," the younger replied, uncovering himself to toss the blanket more on Luke. Michael stood up, and turned to Luke, just like he was told. "I'm up, what do I do now?"

"Hold on," Luke muttered, moving the blanket over the couch, to lay across it instead.

He rested his head on the armrest of the couch, holding his arms out for Michael. Michael understood Luke's message and laid down on top of him. Luke cooed softly, covering the two again. Michael shuffled on top of Luke until he was comfortable, finally deciding to rest on his stomach, cuddled between Luke's side and the back of the couch.

Michael was cozy, and Luke was happy to see Michael was such a content look on his face that made him smile wide.

"I know you said I was a charmer, and I was going to respond right now, but I already forgot what I was going to say. It was wise and shit."

"Oh my gosh," Michael whispered in tiny giggles, tucking his nose to Luke's side. "You're too precious it's not fair."

Luke tucked his arm under Michael, bringing the two even closer. Michael wiggled back further to the couch, pulling Luke with him. It was wide considering it was a couch and in Luke's terrible apartment, but Michael just liked the reassuring feeling of being tucked close to Luke.

"You're so cute I love you," Luke giggled, letting his eyes look up to the ceiling.

"You love me?" he asked, his face lighting up at the subject.

Luke's expressions dropped. He wasn't sure to respond since he knew he barely loved Michael.


"Luke," Michael smiled, reassuring Luke that he wasn't upset. "I don't love you either; you just broke up with Brady a while ago. I don't need you to love me, and I hope you don't expect me to love you."

Luke sighed softly; then his smile grew wide. "I don't," he shook his head, "I'm so glad you said that I was just really scared you would expect that. I just want to be your friend now. I don't need a boyfriend yet."

Luke paused for a moment, trying to comprehend his own words. Michael could tell he wanted to continue, so he kept himself from saying anything.

"That's all I want right now, a friend."

Michael didn't know what to say. The only thing that would come to his head was the same damn lie.

"That's all I've wanted to hear. Thank you."

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