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After Michael once told Luke that he had noodle arms that he was surprised Luke could hold onto air, Luke wanted to change that. If he couldn't impress someone who he wasn't even dating, then how could he expect Brady to love his weak noodle arms?

That's why Luke was at the gym for once, trying to attempt making his arms stronger and non-noodles, but Brady knew that wouldn't last very long. He had faith in Luke, but not that much.

While Luke was currently laying on his back lifting the same weights up and down, Brady sat atop of his lap as he rambled on about his day. Brady's jobs given bu Luke were to: get Luke a drink when he politely asked, sit and try to be still, be cute, give Luke plenty of kisses, and talk all he wanted.

Brady's legs swung lightly as he watched Luke, hands on his boyfriend's chest. Brady didn't like watching Luke lift weights that much, but he promised be would be there for encouragement. The truth was, he would much rather cuddle than being here watching Luke be hot (like always), but at least they were spending time together.

He liked when they spent time together, it made him happy.

"Luke, I like your noodles arm, why would you want to change them? You're my baby, and I don't need you too big and strong otherwise you'll crush me when we hug. I definitely don't wanna become squish every time my big, strong, boyfriend hugs me."

"Baby, you're doing a bad job of the only few things I asked you to do," Luke teased with a chuckle, and Brady rolled his eyes.

Once Luke set the weight down, Brady bent down, and then placed a few small kisses to Luke's lips. He giggled softly and brought his hands up to Luke's hair, letting his fingers sort through the mess. Luke's hands dropped to his boyfriend's hips, letting his fingers slide under the shirt so he could feel his skin.

"Luke," Brady whispered once his giggles calmed down, and then placed his head on Luke's chest. "Take off your shirt please," he continued while giving his boyfriend the puppy dog eyes with a pouted lip. Too irresistible for Luke to say no to.

"Tell me something questionable and something hot." Luke nicely demanded, a small smirk on his face.

"Why?" Brady giggled.

"Whoever I marry is going to be good at answering any questions. I've gotta see if you're worthy."

"I'm totally worthy." Brady hummed, taking a moment to think. "I'm wearing your underwear that I found on the floor, and the sun is pretty hot," he answered, and gave Luke a cheeky smile.

"Sit up."

Brady sat up and wiggled back in Luke's lap.


Brady kept still after that and giggled quietly. He picked up his (Luke's) shirt by the collar and brought it up to his nose in an attempt to hide or quiet his giggles.

It didn't make a difference, but it made Luke gawk at how precious he was.

The sparkling emerald eyes never left Luke once the older sat up, he then slid off his shirt that Brady took from him a few seconds later, and then laid back down.

Brady predicted this, he knew that Luke wouldn't be exercising at all when they could keep talking. He liked it that way though. He didn't want Luke to change at all seeing his boyfriend was already perfect enough for his liking.

If Luke wasn't considered perfect already, he was pretty damn close to it.

"Lukey, I love how your shirts smell like you, they smell like purple flowers," Brady mentioned, and took a small sniff of Luke's shirt, "it's why I like wearing them so much, I need more of them."

"I thought you liked wearing them because Michael takes your shirts?" Luke questioned, and Brady giggled while shaking his head. "And why purple flowers?"

"Because purple flowers are the most beautiful ones to me," he mumbled, swinging his legs again. He played with the soft, black, fabric of some band tee in his hands as his eyes were off of his boyfriend for once today.

"And so you're saying I smell?" Luke questioned, and raised an eyebrow. Brady nodded, which brought back Luke's normal expression. "But what if I want to smell manly?"

"You smell like my man," Brady said softly.

Luke cooed at his younger boyfriend and then sat up to place a kiss on Brady's nose that made the boy blush. "You're so cute, baby."

"I know," Brady giggled and took Luke's hands in his own.

"Oh, so you know?"

Brady nodded, "Only because you tell me that, and I like to agree with you on everything as much as possible."

Luke reached to place his hands on Brady's thighs to keep him still, which only did the opposite. "Have I ever told you that you're the nicest person I know?"

"No, you haven't actually," he shook his head, "but I get it a lot really. Mostly from your family," he paused to chuckle. "they love me."

"Almost as much as I do," Luke added.

"Almost," Brady whispered. After a moment, he decided to change the subject, seeing Luke wasn't planning on responding anyways. "Can we go to your place and cuddle with a movie?" Brady asked, pouting his lip out to make it harder for Luke to say no.

Luke could never tell Brady no. "Yeah," he nodded, "we might as well," Luke shrugged his shoulders. Brady reached to pick up Luke's shirt, handing it to the man so he could sit back up and slide it back over his chest.

Once Brady climbed out of Luke's lap, he took his boyfriend's hand, which both started to walk to his bag on a bench.

"Luke," Brady said softly to catch Luke's attention, and then gestured to the gym bag Luke picked up and slid over his shoulder. "What's even in there?"



"No, baby," Luke shook his head as he chuckled.

Once the two were out of the building and heading towards Luke's car, Brady stopped and turned to the older.

"I have a serious question."

"I sure hope I can answer your serious question."

Brady rolled his eyes. "Who's your favorite Clifford?"

"The big red dog." Brady stomped his foot and whined. Luke rolled his eyes at the younger, and then placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You're my favorite Clifford."

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