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In the morning, Brady was the first to wake up of the three people in the room. He questioned where his twin had gone off to but figured that he must've gotten up earlier and went off to Calum's place.

Once he opened up the closet door, seeing what felt like the worst sight at the moment.

Luke and Michael. To him, it looked like Luke was wrapped around Michael, his twin having a hold he could tell that he never had before.

Whenever Brady woke up with Luke, Luke was never still holding onto him. He only assumed that was just a coincidence, so he didn't want to overthink it.

If Brady and Michael loved each other, he didn't want to be the reason they were ruined and never more.

The older twin kneeled down beside them, and pulled the laptop off of Michael's body, shut it down, and then picked it up. After standing up, he tucked the laptop to his side, stepping back out of the closet. He bent down to put the computer under their bunk bed, then stood up, starting to take off the comforter to his own bed.

Once gathering all of the bundled covers in his arms, he went back into the tiny closet and spread it out over the two sleeping boys.

As Brady fixed it up so the two would be completely covered, Luke began to stir, his eyes soon opening.

Luke's eyes opened to see Brady, who was currently fidgeting with the covers he didn't remember having. He wrapped his arms tighter around Michael, finally waking up.

"What're you doing?" he asked in a whisper, catching Brady's attention. The younger one looked up at him, playfully rolling his eyes.

"I'm just covering you two so it's more comfortable, go back to sleep, bud," he replied.

Luke closed his eyes, nuzzling his nose into Michael's neck.

It hurt Brady to watch, but a major part of him wasn't believing this wasn't real. He also knew this was as real as it gets, Luke with his own brother.

"Thanks, Brady," Luke happily sighed, which Brady smiled at.

"It's no problem," he spoke softly. He sat down on the floor while crossing his legs, taking a break from being such a good person. "May I ask you a question?"

Luke nodded, "Of course, go for it."

"You weren't dating him while we were-"

"No, no, no, no, never would I," he objected, hoping to make his point clear. Brady understood, and he felt a little better. "I promise, I'm not a cheater like that. Mikey and I aren't even dating."

"Thank you, Luke. You're a really good guy," he replied, being quieter than before. He didn't want either of them to wake up his twin who would most likely be angry.

Luke smiled, practically speechless. He could only think of two words, which he said in a whisper. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, just be nice to my Mikey. He's my best friend and only twin," Brady said, standing up from the carpeted closet. "Got it?"

Luke opened his eyes, his face showing enough crinkles to prove his bright smile. "I've got it. I'll keep your best friend and twin happy. Otherwise, you'll totally beat my butt."

Brady started to close the door behind him, nodding his head. "You've got it. Good job. Now go to sleep and wake up later or whatever."

Brady closed the door behind him before Luke could say anything, walking away once he heard it click shut. He headed out of their bedroom, down the hall, and into the bathroom.

Anxiety was his worst nightmare. He wanted to cry there, and that's what he did.

CLIFFORD TWINS » mukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora